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Sunday, July 15, 2018


March 23, 2018

Now the full brunt of doing of work of an A.B. now gets dumped on me and to make it worst ., it looks like that this work schedule is extended for whole remaining days I have here onboard.

I was thinking that I might get some relief or a "breather" when April comes but apparently BOSUN Jerrymine know how to make things more miserable for me. From the looks of it what will happen is that I would be just shifting from 12 to 4 am / pm schedule to 8 to 12 am / pm. He just informed me this during coffee break and now I'm having problems on how to counter this.

I'm not enjoying this job at all knowing that I'm over worked and underpaid here  and them getting overpaid and underwork.,  I'm seriously opting to get the early vacation leave as soon as possible, So I can get the fuck out of here soon. For now I can't just submit it yet and have to wait until this ship arrives in south Korea and had a crew change. For now there's nothing I can do but sit out here and wait for another two weeks before I make my move on submitting an "early vacation".  

The only luck I had for now is that , I hope Ship pilot won’t come during my watch hours or else I'm screwed on the steering part work. That is the only chance and option available for me to avoid this work and its random and inaccurate.

Personally I don’t see any reason why I should be doing all these because the contract I signed with is for an O.S. Job Position and not an A.B. , If im going to do these at all , I should have signed up for an A.B. instead !

Aside from these problems … Another problem I have to deal with on being dumped on more work load is not having enough sleep . Here they packed me with so much work that almost my rest hours just literary runs only barely 10 hours for the whole day., (below the regular 16 rest hours per day)., So it's obvious now that the effects of sleep deprivation and fatigue are starting to make a toll now on my body., and the lack of rest hours has already been a problem as well not only on my health but also on my hygiene and work routine. 

i can't imagine that I have to pack on those 5 hours rest the part where I have to eat, sleep , wash and prepare my clothes, bathe , go to the toilet,  etc all the basic stuff a person should do biologically on a short span of 5 hours., Its totally almost impossible to do all those things at the same time - and to add more of the problem is that there making people here do work related stuff on "off hours" ., meaning I have to do something that is work related during my short rest period. Such examples to these is doing all the laundry for the whole crew , which I have to wash all of their working coveralls and cleaning certain areas like my cabin and locker room. 

Honestly I'm feeling hopeless right now in faced with overwhelming odds.,  Supposedly I signed up here because I thought working condition here and environment would be better compared to those of a typical liquid tankers , but turns out I was wrong and that liquid tankers have a more pleasant working practices than here.  I was just simply lured here and Shell / Nakilat is just making false promises on its advertisements., their policies here are brutal and repressive.