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Wednesday, June 6, 2018


February 28 2018 Wednesday LONG 52

Two new shit bag crews have arrived as expected, One is Chief mate "ivan" and the other is the new Bosun. I warned earlier (or have been hearing rumors) that these two will be wreaking havoc on this ship and will be giving a crew a hard time while they're here. 

Fortunately for me I have only around 60 days or so here on this ship , So I have only to deal with them in roughly two months - so practically I have to sit tight and wait for the shit storm to pass.

For the moment its already been 48 hours since they arrived from Las Raffan, Qatar and there's already starting to crash the house., Bosun "Jerimy" his lordship has already decreed that I will be transferred from doing day work to the bridge (which plainly means deck watch keeping)., hmpf lordship didn’t even bother to ask me yes or no on that and simply said the conversation is over . Wow ??? Talk about one way conversation. Fine by me doing bridge watch keeping but with these perfectionist company and perfectionist crew running around here., Its just a waste of time and effort ,

Anyway since I signed the contract and it's still valid for the next 60 days ., I'm stuck with this kind of management till I signed off. Apparently from my guess things are going to get a hell lot worse as time goes by , and I had a bad feeling that these 60 days or so for me will be very long for me. Things were doing fine for me when Bosun Berlix was in charge but he's not around anymore and shifted back being an A.B. , So that leaves me sorting my shit out on this problem and dealing in with a more shitty Bosun like jerrymine. And to add aside from doing the full scale work of an A.B. , I'm also dumped in doing all the manual work now , like washing the laundry for the whole crew - WITHOUT LAUNDRY ALLOWANCE (or any form of monetary compensation for my efforts).  

If my math is good and help arrives at least on the 25th of April., I have at least 52 days to worry about , but if things get worst like help arrives on the first week of May., I have a grueling 70 days more to sit tight on this predicament. Any of these options is still a long way to go for me to manage but I have no choice but deal with it.

So after enduring this crappy contract ., no more hanging around on shitty Arab principals for me  and absolutely no "uwak" officers (which is a must). Any company who will mention these two will absolutely be dropped off on my list PERIOD and I will make no further attempt in even considering looking for work on those kinds of companies.