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Monday, November 4, 2019


September 13, 2019 Friday AWAITING LANDFALL

Medical test were not that difficult in this new clinic ,as a matter of fact the whole set of medical test only lasted 2 hours for me . The only exception or pending's I had received in this medical clinic were the dental and ECG. And from what the doctor told me I can choose whatever medical clinic (or hospital) I want to have this pending's cleared up.

Dental , is obviously the easy part for me and was just the usual "Oral prophylaxis" cleaning - one that can be easily resolved by just visiting the local dentist. As for the ECG pending , I had to search far and wide from Marikina all the way up to manila for a medical clinic (or hospital) that has a Treadmill stress test.

I ended up with three clinics who have these . One is "medical city clinic" (branch) located near sta. Lucia mall , unfortunately I didn’t take the tread mill stress test here because its expensive (2500 plus PHP) and the time it take to release the results was up to 5 days. The second clinic I had searched was "PMP diagnostic medical" ., The tread mill stress test was cheap (only 1275 PHP) however the problem was its location which is really far from my home (its near PGH hospital in manila). The third clinic which I choose and took the tread mill was "Marikina Valley Medical Hospital" the price is tolerable and its only takes 5 to 10 minute walk away from my house.

The tread mill stress test on Marikina Valley Hospital was a bit difficult compared to the typical diagnostic clinics around., Difficult in the sense that they keep adding up the speed on the tread mill every few minutes and so until I gave up. I reached as far as "Stage 6" on the test before I quitted from shortness of breath. As soon as I finished the test and got out of the hospital , fatigue quickly set in when I got home and immediately fell asleep and didn’t woke up until around night time.  Perhaps I'm already getting too old in this repeated and regular medical checks in this job. Anyway I did finish 96 percent of the test.

After 3 days i got the medical results and passed it to the Nordic Medical Clinic to have them evaluated. According to the doctor there , he said that my medical has no problems and they just forward the "Fit to work" status to my employer.

Soon after that I went to my employer to inform them that I'm already medically fit and they had me to sign up a contract., The employer told me that they will just inform me when its already time to join the ship and issuing me the plane ticket.