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Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Mornings in Korea , are quiet and peaceful especially during winter time. 

Morning at ., we were already ready and our bags and luggage's are already outside at the hotel waiting for the bus to pick us up. As with the ships terminal regulations , we were all dressed up in coveralls ready to board the ship. The bus came on time to pick us up and immediately we get out luggage's and stacked them up on the bus

When we arrived in front of the ship , it was still dark but I guess it's reasonable on  the fact that winter time in this country is already setting in. We had a little drizzle on the weather but it didn’t matter. All we had in mind is to board this ship and settle inside. 

All the unmooring ops was handled by the Korean ship dry dock workers and basically we just watched the windows as they work., earlier we thought that it was "US" ship crew that would be handling the unmooring - thankfully it was the koreans.

Some of the Korean ship workers still stayed onboard to do some finishing work before the left the next. Until then while there still around , I was not staying on my assigned cabin and was inside the "spare" one's inside.

As far as i can tell , the next few days after this will be very busy and that we have to check every bits and pieces of the equipment supplied on this ship and see if they're usable or not.

The last meal in be taking in morning before going onboard the ship courtesy of 7-11 South Korea, thankfully this pack meal is not spicy