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Monday, November 11, 2019


Reluctantly I made a  Financial loan on my sisters insistence., I was not eager to make a loan given that most lending companies are a legal form of a "loan shark". Only reason I approved to make such a loan is that I made a deal with my sister that out of the 50,000 Php that will be borrowed on the lending company, I will take 7,000 Php as a sort of personal funding to buy essential work  related supplies and equipment.

The first lending company I tried "Balikbayad" lending company ., immediately disapproved my loan and didn’t disclose the reason why. The second lending company "Global Dominion Financial INC" did approved my loan but with such a hassle on their required documents that it took me 3 whole days to process. I did get the 50,000 Php loan anyway.

the 7,000 Php I got out of it was used to buy equipment like wireless computer keyboard and mouse, an Xbox wireless controller, and a few video games along with some equipment for my luggage's like sealed box containers. Unfortunately for me since those equipment was more pricy than my first estimate, the allotted 7,000 Php cost ballooned to 10,000 Php.  Which made me think that I should have borrowed instead about roughly about 70,000 to 80,000 Php instead to the lending company. The remaining 40,000 Php was immediately turned over to my sister for her expenses.

According to the Assistant Crewing manager via SMS message received our dispatch date would be on September 26th and our flight will be on October 1st. ., When I went to OSM Office on the 26th I was handled by Crewing assistant my Documents along with the plane ticket., Ms. Aviso left out the MLC papers and said that the person who would sign this was not yet at the office and at the meantime while I'm waiting , she said I could attend on an "Event" at the OSM waiting area and bar.

I attended the said event on the afternoon and it was all about some sort of mental health lecture to all OSM Crews and employee's . As soon as it was finished, I immediately strolled on OSM 4th floor to see if Ms. Aviso has already finished the MLC papers I need., To my annoyance Ms. Aviso never finished the paper I needed and took off without even leaving a note . Fortunately for me "Francis" was still around and told him of my predicament, He just finished and handed me out the MLC papers I needed in just a few minutes.  I was really lucky that "Francis" was around and if not for him , I would have returned again back to OSM for another day after the dispatch (no thanks to Ms. Aviso's incompetence) .