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Thursday, December 19, 2019


It's been several days past since the "incident" happened and most of the deck crew (or the entire deck crew) think I'm the bad guy. In fact the treatment I had been receiving had changed overnight , that people here look at me with utter hostility., I don’t blame them nor even had malaise on why they had to treat me differently, I had already expected this to happened when I started my hostilities with Pump man Romy Carnaje.

I did what I had to do just to show that I cannot be bullied or harassed onboard., even if it results in me being Physically hit and being framed as the bad guy. After all that's Pump man Romy Carnaje's specialty - full of foul poisonous words , typical of Filipino seafarer's of the old .

The only guy on my side at the moment is O.S. Gener Dalida , who is somehow sympathetic to my cause , but sometimes he acts very erratic and cunning that I sometimes wonder and doubt on what side he is. For the safe bet and my safety I have to withhold some information, until I can really determine on which side he is. For now I also need to be very careful on my words,  I cannot afford to make any mistake on this situation , too much is at risk, like losing my life, or the thought of being murdered onboard by any one of the crew member especially if Pump man Carnaje keeps bragging behind my back at the crew mess , when I'm not around that he will one day plan to murder me when we get back in the Philippines (death threats).

This death threats really add more paranoia and anxiety to my mental health, knowing full well on how rotten seafarers are especially Filipino seafarers. The paranoia and anxiety I'm experiencing is really severe that I'm solidly believing that someone out there is out to get me. As a result ., I'm just basically confined on my cabin almost all the time ., and are just out when I'm working , going for breakfast , lunch or dinner. Even on coffee breaks I don’t go out for fear of my safety., I just basically sit my ass inside the cabin out of fear. I never even leave my cabin unlocked , it's always lock because of paranoia of sabotage .

The only thing I can solidy trust as of this moment is this journal and my sister who is way back in the Philippines. Anything else is questionable and I simply cannot take that risk , the risk is simply too great. I'd Manage ,

I HAVE TO MANAGE , I don’t plan on dying here and be murdered by some rotten filipino seaman