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Thursday, December 5, 2019


November 22, 2019

Unexpectedly "Alok" The Indian O.S. was called in the afternoon at the ships office over some reason regarding medical test . It took only a few minutes and went down and he revealed that he would be dismissed summarily because his drug and alcohol test showed signs of possible marijuana intake. The bottom line he told to us that he "will be sent home on next port" .

Immediately the next day , he wasn't even allowed to go to work and was told that he will be just confined on his cabin , kind of like "house arrest". Aside from that , the worst is that rumors immediately started like wild fire, and given the nature of us Filipino's being gossipers who can't keep their mouths shut - fuelled more of the rumor and spread it like a plague. I guess that's worst thing in working onboard a ship - utter no privacy of any kind whatsoever.

Whether or not the rumors are true , I think it’s a person's privacy and nobody has a right to gossip against him and spread the rumor like wild fire - but I guess this is the environment here as a seafarer , people here are always treated unfairly and it would be foolish to let your guard down and discuss personal information or even personal details (especially on personal matters) knowing full well what kind of people we work here.

I writing about this because , It's not right to treat a person that way. The companies action was very swift and brutal and without any fair judgment, and the reaction of us Filipino's against that person was equally so, it's not fair to spread and make gossips about him, this is something I really despise to my own kind and on this job , people here have utter no good manners and I wonder if this people have a sense of humanity with them,.

Poor guy was confined on his quarters for the whole week before he was sent home. He disembarked in fujirah , UAE.

In other news..

Now that the old captain has disembarked (along with the indian O.S.)and replaced by the new Russian one . Things here have started to get lax, No more of restraining ourselves on not drinking juice in the ref , nor going to the crew late on dinner time etc. We can now easily do our job better when he's no longer around - good riddance !!!

Back when he was still around here, things were tense and we have to be careful and meticulous on about almost everything we do. Even had to watch  breakfast, lunch or dinner because he always monitors us and see how much food we end up eating. The way he acts feels more like he's the human version of a CCTV camera - very control freak kind of individual. He even take's coffee break at the same time as our coffee break , just to monitor people. (and using it as a ruse). It’s a good thing that one of the crew here (pump man) have already sailed with him before and warned us about the old captains deception.  He was basically a general threat here.

Now that he's gone and disembarked in fuijrah UAE. All of the crew won't have to worry about him anymore being a pest