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Saturday, December 21, 2019


Things have calmed down for now , but the question is how long ? As of the moment I have went on to my old tactics of "Isolation" a tactic which I applied way back during my earlier years as a seafarer. A defensive tactic I used during conflict. To say It,  first and foremost this  "Isolation" tactic is a defensive tactic and from the word itself , I have to be isolated as much as possible to any potential aggressor (on my case , Pump man Carnaje). Basically my cabin will be the all in one working space now, Similar to a jail cell in some respect on tactics, or if I put in on my way - a safe zone or fortress.  

Honestly I'm not so sure now if this tactic is 100 percent effective , given that I had used it before on different occasion with a variety of results and used only as a test (and the only actual "conflict" used being way back in 2010 and 2013) . For now I have to implement this yet again because of the ever increased and dangerous threat by Pump man Carnaje. As of the moment on my analysis he won't make any advancing threats , given that two superintendents have boarded this vessel and are conducting their usual audit and work . He's not too stupid to expose himself if the authorities are around , he'd definitely lay low for a couple of days until the superintendents disembarked.  And when they do , this "plague" will once again do wreak havoc onboard like cancer.

During the day , I do my usual work and but always after that , I'm always inside my cabin and never venture outside unless it's absolutely necessary and for a very good reason. Even on coffee breaks , I just basically go back to my cabin and dress up for my next work, never taking a break even if I wanted to because of security risk. As a matter of fact the only instance I'm outside my cabin is on work , and doing my laundry , and of course during meal time. I'm not outside longer than just a few minutes for security. Aside from that to prevent any leaked of information, I have to be really careful on which words I speak and choose my words extra carefully ., because I never knew who exactly are my enemies (aside from Pump man Carnaje).  I can't be careless especially during this time , one wrong move could be my last and will result into another nasty confrontation.

I suspect that my enemies here are not only limited to one person. I suspect the Filipino chief mate , deck cadet and practically more than half of the entire deck crew.