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Sunday, December 22, 2019


Things go on naturally ., but for me I'm upset because a series of my plans of the situation did not go well. First and foremost, My plan to make a police blotter and report about the "incident" doesn’t go as I planned to be and sad to say that , making one is impossible right now due to technicalities and probably incompetence on my sisters part. So defending myself or lodging a formal complaint against Pumpman Carnaje on OSM Manila office is now impossible because of Incompetence. I'm not going to go thru the details on why it failed because recalling them and writing it here upsets me a lot, all because my sisters incompetence.

So what's going to happen is when if this issue gets brought up about the incident, at the OSM Manila - I have no way of defending myself or showing proof about Pump man Carnaje's lashing out and physically hitting me .  I would just end up being a sitting duck helpless. Aside from that my complain against him would be rendered useless because I have no proof and it would only show that "I have malicious" intent rather than seeking justice on what happened to me.    

Another setback I had been experiencing lately is my allegiance with O.S. Dalida., it's true that he's somewhat sympathetic on my situation, however despite this , he's apparently reckless on mentioning sensitive topics and details in public even though we already talked that those topics and issues can only be discussed in privacy and closed doors to prevent leakage of information. There is even one occasion that I have to tell him to drop the subject of our discussion because Pump man Carnaje and O.S. Alvin is nearby and might hear our discussion. He's not leaking information but his statements and joke in public would hint and even imply on my intentions and sensitive detail. It’s really a risk .

I do trust him for being sympathetic , but not enough for me to divulge sensitive information that it will put me at risk. So for now I won't mention sensitive details and just stick on the general idea on what he already knows. I've already risked myself too much . 

In other news.

This morning at work I was approached discreetly by O.S. Alvin near the entrance of the upper deck accommodation area and urged that I should apologize to Pump man Carnaje to end it ., I didn’t said a word and kept quiet on what O.S. Alvin is saying and just let him talk. Personally I'm not interested in his urging and suggestion, and it would be best just to keep quiet , and don’t mutter anything , or even answer their questions - aside from that they'd have a hard time figuring out what's inside my head. Its best I speak less just to get me out from harm's way especially to these kind of folks.  I just deflected and avoided his urging and simply changed the matter of subject we were talking.

For me it’s a foolish decision to make an apology, and apologies for what ? For him giving me insults , intimidations , bullying and harassment ?? I don’t think I should apologizes on that for that matter for just simply standing up on his bullying and harassment, I stood up and even got Physically harmed in the process by smacking my head. So if Alvin thinks I'm the one who should be giving an apology to Pumpman Carnaje , then he's gravely mistaken. I'd rather spent the days of my contract not speaking and ignoring him rather than bow down to his ego, it would only make me weak and not only that a laughing stock on my cause.

Peace is always ideal for a good working relation on the during of this contract, However if peace means being a "booth licker" and bowing down against to what I believe in, then id rather have a divided workplace, it's better that way . As long as I don’t cause trouble or get it a little worse