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Monday, November 12, 2012


Who could have ever thought that I had lasted this long in TRANSCOM, Up to now I am still absorbing the details on my mind that I had made it past the "Nesting Phase" even though my Stats in work were the lowest on all the seven remaining agents in the group. Yes hard to believe even in the logical sense that I had been accepted and endorsed to work in the production floor , as a matter of fact my working status was even the subject of discussion between "Norman" and some unknown guy from the brass for a week , Deciding whether or not I would be fired.

I guess the overall decision that made me to be kept around by TRANSCOM was the fact that I had a perfect attendance , as in no absences or late in training ( that is what "Norman" said to me) beyond that I could just be added to the numbers in attrition rate (employee's fired).

My newly purchased Andriod tablet
Honestly my primary mission here at TRANSCOM is just to stay for a month, no more than a simple "digging and mining" mission afterwards I'd go back to finding a job elsewhere  maybe even take the licensure exam for a change - I had no idea that my mission would extended beyond the simple one month and yet I'm grateful that they did kept me around. I had never made a mistake in coming to them , they offered me so much more than what I need.  This had opened me a lot of possibilities in life, things that were somewhat previously limited when I was a sailor.

Who knows? Maybe when things went fine up to summer , I could enroll again in college and take a second college degree preferably marine engineering. I may not be working "seaborne" but at least I could still be productive in life and take schooling again.  Despite the failures I had , I'm somewhat hopeful that things would turn out positive to the least.

In office news …………...

A new face will be showing out in replacement to our temporary Team lead "Norman" and will be our permanent T.L. for good. He's name is "John" but we call him "J.E" or T.L. "J.E." for short.

According to the background "T.L. John " said to us when we met him , he was from an American Account in a BPO near S.M. MOA site and got hired here as a T.L. and started to work when he was still 16 years old. On first impression he's enthusiastic and cheerful guy (though I'm still holding out my judgment on him since I'm a cautious person and I've seen people who are friendly at first then later on become a monster). He's well experienced in handling people and doesn’t get ticked off easily by rude customers.

My new outfit "college kid" outfit
In other news related , by next two weeks the teams schedule will change from 11pm - 8am schedule to 8pm to 5am work time. This is of course based on what T.L. "john" said to us and it was verified on our Empower Citrix System, Apparently the change of schedule was made by the brass to see on how well we go in queuing time since were out of the Nesting phase. Well there's no harm to that and still will not conflict if I had urgent agenda's that needs to be done by the day.

For the working part , well I could say that I'm trying hard to drop off my nasty habit of disconnecting customers especially if I get pissed to them.  I guess it will do me a lot of good that as much as possible I should not disconnect calls.  Speaking of which I think "Gwen" caught me one day disconnecting calls , of course I tried to deny it as much as possible and I'm not bothered if I get caught , I just thought to myself that if I do disconnect calls then does she have a problem with that ???

One thing that really ticks me off to pissing mood is the lack of privacy of my coworkers and they go as far as eve's dropping my calls and contradicts everything on what they hear when I'm in the middle of work taking in calls. I doesn’t matter if I'm doing something wrong or not , what I meant to say is that they should mind their own business - and if they don’t have anything better to do , then they should pray on the rosary ,

Honestly speaking "Gwen" is a bitch when  she meddles with my work , and so is "Rene" whom had been pissing me for more than a month now. Good thing I know how to handle this people and tell them to back off and mind their own business.

On work performance…

Though occasionally I may seemed to be doing well and fare at first look , overall and in general things are going to be in a downward spiral for me. I just received two memo's from the QA within a week and both of it are as what is said to be "Critical Fail" which meant that it failed miserably on the standards set by the company , what's worse about it is that the next memo I'd be receiving will put me on the status of being fired if the issue still is the same. On top of it according to the company standards , it will stay on my records for nine months and will remain even after I made it past the six month "Regularization" period.

Goya Philippine cholocates , ive been eating during break
Honestly I'm not really bothered at it at all even if these so called Company working standards are a bit steep for  a normal call center agent  such as the AHT Score being only 10 minutes, This maybe normal for a CSR but in a TSR / CSR job category a 10 minute AHT is a bit short and not fit for a troubleshooting TV / Broadband System related issues. I should remember overall that these job is not exactly the permanent kind and that I'm only here in the first place is because I needed the money to start over on my sailing profession. I find that part to be very dismaying and no matter how much promises are made by TRANSCOM that this account is "easy" , I still find it to be a far cry from TELSRA Australian Account I handled years before. "Easy" for a CSR job category in some extent but a total bullshit for a "TSR / CSR" agent.

For now the job tactic I had been putting into is a "trail and error" one, not a very efficient one at all to be honest  and most of the time (or for the most part) ended up having more failed calls in the process. It's a painstaking kind of work tactic considering TRANSCOMS expects us normal agents to be "superstar Universal Agent" . Despite the failed calls and pummeling metrics  ,The only good news I could come up with is that the TRANSCOM System had a weakness . To be specific they don’t have any "screen shot" capabilities, just sound recording and that they couldn't tell what I'm doing on my computer screens. They have basically no idea's if I'm using the software tools as well and that they heavily relay on the "History Notes" in "TRIO System" rather than simply verifying it on the logs made on other software tools. In other words they couldn't tell if I disconnected the calls intentionally.

Pond's cosmetics ive been applying on my skin
So how am I going to exploit this weakness I just found recently ? Well for the brighter part I could intentionally get rid of pesky customer's without them even noticing and I could come up with a few ways to dispose them making it look more like "the customer is impatient and rude" . Upon my discovery of this weakness , It now explains it and adds up that despite the huge number of calls I had disconnected ever since I started being on the production floor none of them showed me disconnecting calls intentionally or even proved to have a direct evident that I'm disposing customers by cutting them off. QA could only detect the wrong decisions  I made on the phone and they were not even sure that if I'm using the Software tools correctly.