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Friday, November 9, 2012


Terrible long line of applicants in Career 

Upon the insistence of my dad that i should look back and explore possible companies out there that might accommodate me in the maritime, I did went out to look for another.

My only link to this is either my Uncle Mel thru Scanmar shipping company and another named Capt N. Betts from Career Philippines Ship management. Since the previous company i went to look for a job didn't even bothered to call me or at least get my papers, I could only guess that Scanmar Shipping Company is not going to take interest in me, After all its been 11 months passed since my resume was put in their office and they never even got the trouble to at least notify me if I got the job or not. 

I guess the rumors i heard that Scanmar Shipping being a bastard company might be right afterall ,

I should have known better......

D/C employees waiting for "quasi militaristic training" 
Anyway now comes the 2nd option and see if Career and "Capt, Nick Betts" words are 100 percent gold. I had been waiting for almost a year with "Captain Nick Betts" just to refer me to his company. And now the time has come to join and see if this second plan of mine works. It was a great opportunity for me that "Capt Nick Betts" was around and was willing to refer me to his company called career.

Immediately I went to dress myself after the SMS I got from "Nick" that he'd fetch me up on Masinag market and after that I took a jeepney to proceed to masinag, waited for a few minutes there until he arrives in a Red Nissan Centra. I quickly hop into his car and he said that were going to fetch in another guy in Santolan , by the time we got there a cadet joined in the car. We drove off a few minutes and passed by cubao till the makati area.  In the area near alpha land mall , "Nick" lost directions and we got lost for a few minutes , and circled the area in pasong tamo twice before finally figuring out that he should take a right turn to go thru Evangelista street in Makati.

When we arrived , we were joined in by another guy in the Jollibee fast food, so that counts the number to four people which is "Captain Nick", Me the OS , "The Messman" and the "Deck Cadet". A few moments later we went to Career Philippines Ship management and talked to the guys responsible for new recruit's called "Mr. SO" , we went to he's office. I'm  not sure if Mr. SO is a Korean or a Fil-chinese , because on the first look I would think he is either of the two.
 In any case from what I do know is that this "MR. SO" is a maritime academy graduates ( guys who are cold, vengeful, sadistic, jealous bastards expect no less). Based on the conversation with him and "Captain Nick"  he was reluctant to accept both the "Messman" and "Deck cadet" , apparently from my understanding Mr. SO also a racist who degrades people that do not originated from his maritime academy - anyway that's not a surprise to me, most academy bastards are just like that , megalomaniac freaks.

Upon the three that "Captain Nick" introduced in the office , I was the least (if not wasn't) ridiculed at all given that among the three I was the highest rank and got a BS degree. Another thing I guess that I wasn’t ridiculed was because I dressed a bit better compared to the "messman" and the "deck cadet", So well dressed that I think I intimidated Mr. SO ,

A few minutes later we were given applications forms for interview and was given a scheduled to meet Mr. SO again by Monday for the job interview . I'm not sure though if things will work out by Monday , but I'd keep it posted .

"Messman" was dropped off at MRT station in guadalupe , while "Deck Cadet" was dropped in santolan station LRT2 , I was dropped off in Sta. Lucia in mall in Cainta Rizal.    

On monday ..........

The "Messman"  (Randy Navarro) and I went again to Career Philippines Ship management to report back and pass our application forms, It was around 10 am when I got there and got an appointment slip.

Lunch time went and there was no sign of me and "Messman" , being entertained and I guess "Captain Nick Betts" was right that we have to wait patiently for about 8 hours before being entertained. We took lunch at the small makeshift store right beside the company building, then headed back to Career Philippines Ship management office at around 2pm. It was a long tiring wait and I was already beginning to feel the effects of fatigue and to add more I'm starting to have thoughts that applying to this company is a bad idea after experiencing they're so called "Hospitality" (in which I had to wait 8 hours before finally being entertained)  ,

 at about 4:45 pm finally my name and the "Messman" along with two others were called on the office of "MR. HO" .

The first few minutes that went by in his office was not exactly a job interview but more like a simple 3 minute conversation were Mr. HO just summarily turns down the job applications of two others without even looking on their resumes and documents, Mr. HO as what I best described is a cold vengeful sadistic snobby bastard ( typical attitude of people who graduated from The Philippine Merchant Marine Academy). Even my companion "Messman" was given the summary decision , By the time it was my turn to be interviewed I quickly gave him my application form  and said quickly  that I was with "Captain Nick Betts" last Friday and was told by you (MR.HO) to pass this to you by Monday.

Hard to believe that these kids will be in for a lot of hardship under filipino hands , Some of them will face cruelty and maltreatment from they're filipino compatriots . Shame that they have to go on a fascist , quasi militaristic job. maybe someday Maritime industry will be no more here 

It was a decisive move I made and prevented me from being given the "3 minute summary decision" thing. The next thing Mr. HO gave me a piece of paper with a drawing in it , he said that I should write down what best describes this picture and that I should write it in more than a hundred words and in perfect English grammar. I accepted the paper and immediately went to work , It took me only few the task and unknown to Mr. HO , my English language proficiency is very high given the fact that I am a Telephone operator in a call center.

I passed my test papers and Mr. Ho couldn't find any "holes" on my grammar and English writing skills.  Then came the interview which was very obvious that it was a one sided conversation, from what I recall Mr. HO was making up a lot of petty excuses just to get rid of me, I even recall him mistook and saying that he can't accept my application because my cadetship was made on the interisland ship. WHAT THE FUCK !!!! Since when did served in the Interisland Ship ??? Bastard didn't even looked on my Seaman's book to verify . When I heard him say that , I didn't know if I was going to giggle to laugh on his ignorance or be furious because of it.  Anyway I did corrected him and said that It doesn’t mean that I went to a Philippine flag means also that the ship is interisland. When I said that , I could giggle on the look on his face knowing that I contradicted him.

To avoid anymore nasty conversation , Mr. Ho said that the application will be considered and that I just have to report here in the career office every now and then and dismissed me.

I do know better that he will just throw my application form in the trash bin after that and that you cannot have someone's word for it and that he's only saying that to save grace knowing that this OS is more smarter than your average grunt.

Some people might think that being a sailor and working seaborne is paradise, Hell they have no knowledge that paradise isn't what exactly as what you think it is. There are a lot of bastards here and if you don’t fight back or be at least street smart , chances are people will take advantage of it and abuse it. There are a lot of these people in the maritime industry in the Philippines , far more worst and more sinister than Mr. HO out there . PMMA and MAAP people are a bunch of militaristic , racist facist pigs !