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Monday, August 4, 2014


As expected there was a little difficulty in handling ropes and wires on the aft mooring area , to make it worse the weather was about 35 degrees Celsius in Greece.
After mooring , I did my usual routine on work putting SOPEP equipment, fire fighting Equipment, Etc. and helped out in securing the gangway. On my work starts at 12 pm to 6pm (12midnight till 6 am in the morning) every time this ship is on port,
didn't had any problems for me during my time as the gangway watchman. A.B. Marlon Layos showed me on how to use the UTI, not that I don?t have an exact idea on how to operate that device but I had to relearn and catch up on how to use some devices.
In my coffee break during gangway watch, I saw a small memo from NSB posted in the crew mess telling that " No overtime beyond 103 hours will be paid without any explanation" . In other words NSB is getting stiff in paying its employee's about the
overtime issue and it?s a big deal to them if an employee exceeds the allotted 103 overtime hours, even entries on the working time sheet are closely being monitored by our chief officer regarding this NSB memo, as a matter of fact they even had us to
write down specifically on what kind of work we are doing during those working hours on our time sheet - as if like they have a feeling that we are cheating on our working. As much as possible they try to tone down the working hours in order to avoid
paying extra for the work.
Doesn't really matter to me if the overtime working hours will be reduced or not, Its make no difference on my part. I still do the same old working schedule.
Seriously there is a difference on having a fix and open overtime working schedule and both of them have a pro's and con's. For a fixed (or reduced) overtime pay - the pros are employee's get much rest as possible and free time is always on schedule
and never late, the cons of it is that the salary is less (or sacrificed in the process). For the open overtime, you'd get an extra pay on the work but the con is that its wearisome doing a job of starting 8am to 6pm on ordinary maintenance days
(weekends are cancelled PERMANENTLY) and additional working hours if there's a special circumstances involved like mooring ops or cargo ops. In other words, it?s a lot of stress and no rest.

In other news?
After 24 hours of operation the ship sailed off and unmoored on noontime. Had no difficulty in doing stuff there. Based on what I heard from second mate olan , this ship will be going to Istanbul turkey for the transit then head off to the black sea
for an STS loading somewhere in Ukraine area. Based also on what I heard it's just only a day's travel and will be arriving the next day.
Upon arrival at around early in the morning , as in early mooring. I was awaken by BOSUN payopay to rig a pilot ladder for the incoming pilot , It was pitch dark and good thing my helmet was fitted with a PELI headlight and was able to move around and
work with that thing switched on

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