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Thursday, August 21, 2014


Upon opening up my email on the ship's computer , I finally read some news about what's happening back home at the house. It's a good thing that the email here works and as an extra feature it even receives pictures. A few days ago I was puzzled on why
my emails were not sent and a message appearing "MB limit exceeded" , making me think earlier that this email service isn't free.
Anyway the email sent by my sister contains a mostly bad news, and a picture of her dogs. She informs me that Bhut Bhut (my Siamese cat) can be set loose outside the cage from time to time without supervision, and for some reason my cat doesn't go
outside the fence and just roams around the house front yard. Personally I don't think it's a bright idea having my pet run around without any supervision, My neighbourhood isn't exactly the safe one and cat friendly, and on top of that there's a cat
killer person here running loose. I had already learned from time and time again that some of my previous cats were killed in cold bold by this anonymous cat killer.
Frankly the letter my sister's email makes me think about our mom's near future situation, it's very bleak and grim and I'm not going to discuss this problem openly.
In other news ..
Over the past 3 days, this ship was here in Ukraine, I was doing the usual deck maintenance job orders like greasing the whole mooring wires from forward to aft. On Thursday , this ship resumed its business and pulled out of anchor to a certain area
and waited for the Ukrainian port authorities. I waited for the whole night in my cabin for them to arrive (my work there would apparently be rigging the gangway ladder)but no call was made. At midnight much to my annoyance Captain Gorge Portirniche,
woke everyone in this ship announcing that the Ukrainian officials have arrived and we must go to the CCR to get our Seaman's book and show them some sort of immigration card. Unfortunately Ukrainian officials said it was no longer necessary and
instead told us to stay on our cabins for some sort of cabin inspection.
Wasn't exactly happy when they said that and I figured that my cabin has so many secrets that , I'm not very comfortable someone taking a peek at it. It was a good thing that when the pest control inspector knocked thru my cabin , she only bothered to
check what's inside the bathroom for a few seconds then finally collected my seaman's book (along with the Immigration card) and went off.
After that I waited in my cabin again for a few hours until, it was announced on my call that ship to ship berthing will commence and I had to be in standby on my mooring station. Mooring wasn't difficult and it was all wires that will be used , no
soft ropes whatsoever. Mooring arrangement with the ship MT trident hope is 3:2 (3 stern lines or headlines and 2 spring lines). After the mooring, loading operations didn't started until a day after because of some issue with the Ukrainian surveyors
saying that cargo tanks are unsuitable to load cargo and have to wait for further announcement for the charterer. At about 6 in the morning , about a few cubic metres of cargo were received by this ship in order for residues of its cargo tank cleaned
up. After again another six hours , tank washing didn't proceed any further until It was on my shift again. Apparently from what I heard the pressure of the steam wasn't high enough. Loading of the cargo commenced at during my night time shift (6pm to
12 midnight) and was finished at my morning shift of work (6am till 12 noon, a 12 hour long loading operations).
During cargo operations on my night shift last Friday. Me and A.B. Ruben Lawagon Ganub, were busy along with the cargo surveyor collecting cargo samples. Based on what the cargo surveyor told us, after 2 , 3, and 8 minutes after loading cargo samples
would be taken , then next would be every after an hour, three bottle samples will be taken. As a result after the loading operations was finished, we were literary littered with lots of cargo bottle samples, all of these are just for the surveyor and
the ship's own samples.
On the afternoon of Saturday. The ship finally casted off and proceeded to an anchorage area where it waited for another day, before heading off to Istanbul again for the transit.

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