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Saturday, August 16, 2014


Got a memo this morning, specifically addressed to me at the crew mess. It says that I would have salary deduction of 300 U.S.D. for this month. Apparently based on the memo , it says that I had been overpaid by CSM last January 2014 during my time in
CAPE Tallin and that I need to return the "Overpaid" salary back to them. Obviously I wasn?t happy to hear the news , not on the fact about being overpaid but by the fact that I wasn?t given any knowledge about this issue during my time in CAPE TALLIN and it took CSM / Career Ship management nearly half a year to inform me. I was still working in CAPE TALLIN in January up until my departure on that ship in March 2014 and nobody even bothered to inform me , and to add at I had a whole lot of time (and a bagful of money to pay it back) on that nearly 10 month stay on that ship. Really frustrating (not sure on the exact word here) that it took them a very long time in settling my accounts and I'm already working here on board Conti Greenland when they informed me. They had a whole luxury of time and options to put deduction either on my on-board pay in Cape Tallin or even at my leave pay in back in the Philippines but they never made any efforts to do so. Now as a result of their laziness , I had a negative salary for this month - really bad timing to be bringing this up on the time that I need the money badly for my mom's medical expenses.

In other matters in work.

On the night of August 02, 2014 Saturday, 7pm, this ship has transited Istanbul channelling area. Weather wasn?t really good and had a rain shower for a few hours and had to put on a raincoat. For some reason the view in Istanbul, turkey isn't really
as vibrant as the first time I saw it - maybe on the fact that I had been in and out of this place a lot, well yeah in the sense that I was here last January 2014 and it was pretty cold back then.
While in transit, BOSUN PAYOPAY gave me a short briefing on how to operate emergency steering device here in CONTI Greenland. The emergency steering apparatus on this ship is not much different to the one I saw in Cape Tallin, even down to the look of
the device and the feel of how to operate it. It?s a good thing that BOSUN Payopay gave me a quick browse of the said device, because when I got here on this ship last month , there was no familiarization drill given and had to figure things out for
myself. Normally each ship conducts a some sort of familiarization drill on each new crew member, but given that NSB has short contracts - management here never bothers to give's us any hints on how to operate some machinery and we just basically read
what the manual says (manuals here are not exactly the typical "booklet" type and looks more like a placard sticker sticking next to the device). It?s a good thing that this ship is permanently station here in Europe and will not be going (if ever) in
the USA , or else were going to be so screwed by the U.S. coast guard about the safety management practices.
Anyway based on the info I got , this ship will be arriving in Kerch, Ukraine by Monday in the afternoon and proceed on an STS loading the following early morning.
Due to the reduction of working hours (specifically the overtime work limiting only to less than 103 hours), the management here on this ship has been giving us a lot on rest hours. For example this Saturday instead of the usual work schedule of a
normal maintenance work (8am till 12 noon), it is to my surprise that we were actually given an early rest and moved to 7pm till 12 midnight just to get the working quota of no more than 4 hours in Saturdays for the Istanbul channelling. This was a big
difference during my time hanging out in CSM, which normally aside from working the usual 8am till 12 noon schedule , we will have another extra hours of work on the Istanbul transit - totalling up to 8 working hours, (4 hours regular and another 4
hours of extra overtime pay)
It is very obvious that NSB is really cutting corners on the cost of their labour workforce in any way they can. Most likely they try to haggle our salaries as much as they can, in the expense of having a "scape goat" such as reduced working hours.
But come to think of it, CSM on the other hand has normal working hours and have a much stable pay of 120 fix "Overtime" pay. Unfortunately there's too much work being done there that Saturdays and Sundays are also work days. Career Ship Management is
ok but CSM (Columbia Ship Management) is not.
In other news related to work
Had received recently a new pair of coveralls from BOSUN Payopay, it?s a standard issue red NSB coverall. I'm amazed on that ship supply to crew are bountiful here on an NSB ship , and in particular the coveralls and other working equipment. Rest
assured that I'd take good care of this equipment ( and grateful to add this to my collection of coveralls I had) .

The standard company issue coverall (the yellow one) and the NSB standard issue coverall (red one)

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