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Friday, March 13, 2015


  1. Take Medical exam
 A. Repair dental
 B. Retake urinalysis test
 C. Retake Thread mill
 D. Clearance on dental
 E. Pay Halcyon Marine Medical 2000 Php for retake med exam
 F. Retake IQ test

  1. Take QMS in house lecture on Senator Crewing Agency
  2. Received BTOCT COP document from MARINA
  3. Attend PDOS
  4. Attend Accounting Briefing 

As of the moment these are the only accomplish object I had finished on the span of two weeks, Very little progress has been made given that funding has been very scarce. I could accomplish other objectives that require almost no funding within a week, however for the objectives that require money, then it will be a problem. It be put on a grinding halt on it.

After a week of finding funding and cancelling out my deployment on CONTI Ginuea , (As a result of lack of funding to repair my dentals). I had finally manage to fix my dental problems but again,  unexpectedly I encountered a crippling road block. When I came back to the Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems to have dental cleared and the other pending medicals as well , I'm surprised to find this out on the cashier.

Apparently I was caught by surprise to find out that retaking parts of the Medical exam is charged to the patients and not to the company. In other words since I had four parts of the med exam that I had failed, I had to pay them in cash on the retaking of these exams amounting to a total of 2,000 Philippine Pesos.  What the hell ??? Worst of the insult was that these four pending parts are dubious.

Like for example being put on a tread mill test which for all I know is reserved for people who have heart problems . What the FUCK ???!!! SINCE WHEN DID I HAVE A HEART PROBLEM ??!!! Seriously i think Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems is ripping me off on money and saying false reports that i have a heart issue. I assure you I'm fit as a horse,

Besides that eight months ago i was put on medical diagnostic and maritime medical clinic didn't say i had one. Now question here is if there is any changes on the medical on a short amount of time ? I was cleared before and why not now ? Worst Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems charges patients separately for retest (they say the company doesn’t cover it) and i had to shoulder the cost and pay them in cash, implying that they're really ripping me off - WHAT THE FUCK !!!!

Third is it's highly unlikely for my age to have a heart problem and I'm starting think Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems is just robbing me by making false medical reports and take note, i recall my blood pressure on that day of the test to be 110 / 70 . How the hell do you explain that you halcyon fuckers !!!!

It’s a good thing that there isn't such a thing called "Fraud" in the Philippines (both technically and figuratively by Phil. Law )but fact is Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems is committing fraud in the sense that they are intentionally falsifying medical records by deliberately failing their patients on test for monetary gains and for the purpose of making their patients pay extra for repeated medical test. FILIPINO SAILORS SHOULD AVOID THIS MEDICAL CLINIC LIKE THE PLAGUE. As it will rip your money (and wallet) to shreds. Believe me common Filipino sailors you have been warned !! .  This is the information about this fraudulent clinic and I'm posting it so anyone out there should be aware as a public service

For the interest of Everyone and to the GENERAL PUBLIC

Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems
Address: Floors 10, 14 and 19 Trafalgar Plaza
105 H.V. Dela Costa Street
Salcedo Village
Makati City