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Friday, March 20, 2015


This is how i would look like when all these ECG sensors are strapped all over me on an actual Treadmill Stress test

With the recent detection of some suspected problem on my heart by Halcyon Marine Health care System. I decided to verify this results if this were true on the local hospital, Good thing that my sister has a local contact with the hospital to perform ECG (Electro cardiogram) for free. Results verified indeed there is some sort of problem detected but is too faint to pinpoint on where exactly is the cause of it and needs further more test to verify it, (Specifically a 2D echo). For now based on the result there is numerous causes why the beat of my heart is palpitating. The nurse say that it is related something to my diet and have been drinking too much caffeinated drinks like coffee or soft drink , or some sort of electrolyte imbalance - that sort of thing , Other suggest it is something to do related on my sleeping pattern of sorts ( I wake up 11am and sleep at 3 or 4 am).

As of the moment it is not pinpointed yet on what is the cause of this problem, until a 2D echo test is made and verified. The local cardiologist say that I'm still going to fit in the medical screen for OFW's - at least for now, however he implied indirectly that somewhere in the near future I might find myself having problems with my heart valves and may later resort to be forced to retire at a very young age.

Without further test , it is speculation that somewhere on the lower part of my heart has problems and this has a relation to the beating rhythm - maybe even the valves themselves has a problem.

Unfortunately the general rule in being a sailor is sadly bound on one's health and this work is very vulnerable to any form of disease, compared to any other types of work. Have any chronic disease and it will untimely end your career as a sailor - it doesn’t matter if you have a license or not or even if you're a novice Deck cadet , a veteran A.B. or O.S. , The thing here is that once a chronic health problem is detected. IT WILL UNTIMELY END AND (FORCE) RETIRE a sailor. In other words the things that a sailor brags about on propaganda like the money, women and travel - well they can kiss that all goodbye.

So how this is related to me ? Given with my predicament , it is likely that this will turn out to be a (Force) retirement on the near future and had to quit it altogether, not to mention that since there is an early warning that my heart beating is irregular I can only surmise that it will untimely end my life in short notice and literary (and figuratively) drop dead on my tracks.

It is fortunately believe it or not , that I didn’t not pursue in getting a license in officer ships or else it will render a quarter of a million peso cost only usable in a couple of years' time and we'll be utterly worthless in the near future. Sooner or later , I'm going to retire from this job either I like it or not. Anyway I could have retired from this job a long time ago if it weren't for the sake of my younger sister, Unfortunately she is still in law school and there's no way for me yet to do anything about it until she finishes schooling.

In other news

Given with my recent predicament with health, I decided to drop by on the Social Security to check out a salary loan and as well inquire and possibly apply for this so called "FLEXI FUND" program they had specifically for OFWS. Well it turns out that Career never paid my last December's Social security and turns out that instead of 6 months paid social security , it only registers as 5 months on the Social security records resulting to me being disqualifying to make a salary loan.

As for the "Flexi Fund" retirement fund for OFW's , I was also disqualified on that part. In particular on the part of having a "NO PERMANENT (Foreign) ADDRESS" given that sailors do not stay on a country that long - (WHAT THE FUCK ??? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN ?) .

Now the thing here that annoys me based on their propaganda material (includes the website) , is that what part of the word "OFW" does a sailor do not belong ? And that sailors are not qualified (and excluded as not OFW's ) to take flexi fund program for OFW's on the basis of FOREIGN ADDRESS ISSUE only ! . In other words an ordinary humble sailor (me in particular) WILL NOT FIND any retirement financial security other than a standalone social security pension later on in life. As for the Social Security - next time when there are planning to start a pension programme, make sure that they have already worked out the details especially on the OFW part.


  1. Take Medical exam
 A. Repair dental
 B. Retake urinalysis test
 C. Retake Thread mill
 D. Clearance on dental
 E. Pay Halcyon Marine Medical 2000 Php for retake med exam
 F. Retake IQ test

  1. Take QMS in house lecture on Senator Crewing Agency
  2. Received BTOCT COP document from MARINA
  3. Attend PDOS
  4. Attend Accounting Briefing