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Sunday, May 31, 2015


May 20, 2015 Wednesday

Finally arrived in South Carolina, U.S.A. and the first thing that greeted me was to drop anchor at around 7 to 8 pm. Anyway turns out that this anchoring session wasn't very pleasant and our beloved "GOD Captain" yelled at the radio that I was putting a break while the anchor was dropping, bastard even mention that he was looking at us.

Whatever he meant he's not looking clearly and most probably he assumed that I was putting the break when it fact I was just adjusting the speed and pace of the drop. Anyway I'd be very glad that he will be disposed of when this ship reaches Panama canal (sign on / drop off point for sailors, In other words a convenient port), just two more ports and my problems with him will be a thing of the past.

In relation to this topic , I do admire BOSUN Mario Diosana's efforts in defending me on the screw up in dropping anchor and from our captains hysteria. He has basically no obligation to helping people and yet he does his best in defending his subordinates, Most BOSUN's wouldn't do things like that. He's a good man in this very bad joke - A good man inside this whole rotten maritime community full of wicked people. He has my respects on protecting me.

Despite the good news and to the joy of all the crew that Sorin Sageta will soon be disposed of, It appears that it will be short lived and rumored that the person who will be replacing him is far worse, From what I heard from O.S. Keith (person who replaced O.S. Ralph Crisostomo) this person doesn't have an hysteria problem but is referred to as a "Silent Killer" and came from CONTI Humbolt, and equally as deadly and fearsome as Sorin. It's possible that I'm going to have my hands full in dealing with this, Lucky for me that NSB contracts are just around 6 months and I still have a remaining four months left - so it's not going to be a long dragging problem.

In other news

I encountered a minor problem at the bond store in which the numbers do not tally, specifically on a beer item called "ASTRA" . From the count it looks like that were missing one case, but after a thorough search it was later found out that it was just in the vegetable room - no harm done, well maybe, but by bad luck  turns out that 3rd mate German Corales already spread the gossip to the whole crew that someone stole it rather than confirm it first that it was just missing. Anyway it appears that his nature hasn't changed at all since Cape Tallin days, still a blabber mouth unsurprisingly . Good thing I still remember what A.B. Patrick Dondonilla's on how to deal with him,

In other matters

It is confirmed that after this port in south Carolina, the next port will be in Houston Texas , and of course the port in Houston will be loading cargo then after that somewhere to Ecuador and will be transiting via Panama Canal. From what I heard the transit time from Houston to Panama will take at least 10 day's time.