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Sunday, May 31, 2015


5/15/2015 5:25 AM

Out of my surprise, captain sorin sageta annouce on the P.A. that he will be distributing our cash advances. It was definitely a big surprise knowing that it's not like him on his nature to be giving crew salaries, Anyway probably the real motive why our beloved "God" captain is doing this was the fact that this ship is headed in the united states and he's afraid that the coast guard might find out that crew salaries haven't been paid yet. He's afraid on the fact that the united states coast guard authorities has police powers to kick out any abusive ship officers (or captains) out of their vessel and send them back home (as in fire them) - So he's playing nice on these past couple of days.

2nd engineer Alijosa Nakic claims that he's the one who convinced the Captain to give out our salaries. According to him Bosun Diosana approached him and asked if he could somehow convinced the captain in paying us our salaries (at least a little part) , but I hardly believe that he persuaded Captain Sorin. My best bet is still on the upcoming United States Coast guard inspections

In other news .

Doing an inventory for the bond store, went out quiet easy and was able to finish the task within less of an hour. So for now everything is all accounted for and accurate.

As for the deck works, there nothing unusual going on for now and I'm still doing the same old work in chipping , polishing and cleaning all the rusted areas assigned to be on the job order and the occasional of being watched over from time to time by our "god" captain during working hours (hovering like a helicopter). As expected in preparation before the arrival in the anchorage area, We pulled put and prepared the mooring ropes on the forward and aft area even thought It was after coffee break. At about later in the afternoon , United States Coast guard inspections proceeded with little problems and hassles

Anyway apparently our captain seems to prefer not letting his subordinates take rest (before and after inspections) even if were already exhausted on the so many job orders thrown at us, (as a matter of fact, majority of the work done today wasn’t coming from the US coast guard but came from Sorin), bastard had us even halved our coffee breaks and lunch break, just all because of his anxiety over USCG inspectors .

Aside from the strain of the work load, more problems I had to deal with is on my co-workers. For some reason some of my co-worker are also becoming more mentally unstable such for example O.S. Raphael Crisostomo who pesters me with sarcasm combined with his " high and mighty" lectures . Seriously this guy is really starting to get in on my nerves and on one occasion he keeps annoying me constantly during the fire drill , that I raised my voice ( in front of everyone on the muster station). During the drill , I also slammed the water tight doors just to give him a hint that I'm annoyed.

In other matters

Captain Sorin seems to be enjoying himself in taunting the crew that he bought a 40 U.S. dollar internet SIM (T-mobile, apparently from what I heard the internet SIM service offered was that it's an " Unlimited" data for a month) cause none of the rating and some for officers could afford the price tag. Personally I think that a 40 dollar price tag is a bit too steep for an internet service and way more expensive than internet services given by European countries, plus getting that sim is too impractical to use given that the whole coverage of the discharge operations in new York is just under 15 hours.