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Sunday, May 31, 2015


April 26, 2015 Sunday

Now that this ship is headed off back again to Tarragona, Spain to load some cargo. People here are still wondering on why the hell is the laundry room still closed at this time ??? Basically I have no idea why the hell there's a strict laundry schedule in the first place, and I couldn't say that the ship structure here can hold only a limited amount of water since this is ship is identical to conti Greenland when it comes to structure and back on that ship I never had any problems of water shortage - plus surely the ocean is big enough to accommodate (and generate) fresh water supply for everybody's basic needs like washing clothes and taking a bath, so absolutely there no need for unnecessary restrictions on water . Its only plausible that the management here (I'm referring to the captain) is very depriving one and a no good twisted hoarder.

In the meantime, this ship had a finally a days off on Sundays. As in totally no work to be doing at all , Unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it that much given that this ship is currently transiting Biscay seas area (north of France) which is notorious among sailors to have rough seas. Even experienced sailors experience sea sickness in this area due to high waves.

In the afternoon I got bored and went outside my cabin to the crew mess to have some green tea , from there I saw electrician felix rodriguez and chief cook regidor pineda having  a coffee chat. Basically there discussing if this ship will ever go to America after loading cargo from Tarragona, Spain. Rumours that some Conti ships have already went there to renew their inspection with the U.S. and it's likely that this ship might go there to do the same.

Finding that the discussion is entertaining , I decided to stay a bit longer and listen to their chat. Then suddenly the conversation went towards me and out of surprise Chief cook asked me if worked previously before in a call centre, I told him yes I did work before there and it was a long time ago before I became a sailor. I'm not comfortable in discussing the details and never opened that kind of topic in front. As a matter of fact I even hid my association with my previous job to being a sailor for fear of persecution and discrimination from my co-worker sailors.

For me it's just simply taboo in even mentioning that when I'm working as a sailor,. I made it a rule never to mention any personal details about my life in this autocratic totalitarian homogeneous dictatorship work environment - I tried being transparent about my previous work before and it turned out to be a disaster which eventually lead to my discrimination and persecution. The same thing happened also in A.B. Dondonilla when he was too lax about his personal details (another sailor I met who previously worked as a call centre). He got badly persecuted in Cape Tallin. Anyway I never mention such details here in Conti Agulhas, and was totally surprise that Chief cook Pineda even mentioned that and how did he knew of such information ? I only suspect that 3rd mate Corales is blabber mouthing again on my background, after all most folks who came from Cape Tallin knew of my background (another story I will tell later on how they found out). I better be careful around and that this info might spread around this ship.

In other news…

Sunday just came and went , and with me just confined on my cabin and resting from the nasty rolling and pitching motion of this ship. I'm not really comfortable with this but apparently there's not much I could do about this and this ship is transiting Biscay bay. Only thing I could do is sit this one out and hope that this rough sea is over soon. According to rumours this ship should be out in biscay by Monday.

By Monday maintenance work was briefly interrupted in helping out 3rd mate Corales do a pressure test on all fire hoses. Basically it was just a basic job of grabbing and connecting all those fire hoses but took half a day all in all. Worst was that Captain Sorin went to the deck area to personally check on what we were exactly doing and meddle on the job. Captain Sorin is starting to get on our nerves meddling on our work and dumping even more task for us to work with - plus take note he hovers around us like a helicopter during working hours, trying to see if were doing something or not.

For some reason folks around here nicknamed him "COBRA" , I asked O.S. Bantic why they called him cobra , and he answered was because his face looks like a reptile. (and I thought it was because his manners or treatment to the crew, referring that he's poisonous on the working environment). Hopefully by Tuesday this ship will reach its destination in Taragona, Spain at night time and from what I heard , its berthing upon arrival scenario. From there I'd find out what will the next location this ship will be heading.