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Thursday, August 9, 2018


July 14, 2018

Seminar in ZRC took very quick and 2 days was very fast if the company I'm hanging with is interesting. I had always thought that this seminar with just go along professionally and go along with our own lives without any attachment, guess I was wrong on that part. Probably because the class I encountered with was majority of it coming from passenger crew and that the crew there tend to be more civilized than cargo related crew.

On the second last day of the seminar (Monday) ., everybody had to come along on the attendance because "Mr. Benigno" was reassigned to a different class to teach., no more easy going when it comes to the seminar. Unfortunately for the class the instructor that was assigned wasn’t as lenient as Mr. "benny" and was a totally douche when it comes to handling people ., ABOSULTELY NO CELLPHONES around entirely even during breaks. Some of my classmates were unlucky and got scolded over this cellphone policy.,  A lot of people don’t like Mr. Santiago around and more than half the class hates him.

Turns out why Mr. Santiago was such a douche was because he's came from the infamous PMMA ( Philippine Merchant Marine Academy) and folks coming there typically lack in manners, I myself avoid these people like the plague. Of course people from the passenger crew don’t exactly know the real deal from folks coming from PMMA., for them this person is just imaged as a person with attitude problems.

Anyway luckily for us at the class ., Mr. Santiago gets only to be an instructor for only a couple of hours, he will be replaced after that by an assessor which basically will handle the exam for this seminar.

As expected the exam for the seminar was easy , everyone passed. Exams on this seminars should be taken lightly after all , I haven't seen any person flunked his / her seminar exam.

Now that the lectures on this seminar is over ., the practical exam will be followed on the next day. The practical part of this seminar is very easy , it has no exams and the only objective to accomplish here is sign the attendance sheet. The only problem I see is that I have to carry some working clothes for the seminar and that I have to wake very early to be on the meeting area , so I won't miss out the bus.

Its unfortunately that I won't be able to ride on the metro train this time and I have to commute from marikina all the way to ermita malate area since the LRTA trains isn't open yet at 5am. I did make it in time and almost all of my classmate did arrive as well except for two folks "Leni" and some other guy who will directly go on the training site.

We arrived on the training site at about 7am and immediately we dressed ourselves on working clothes for the drill,. The instructor on the site told us on what to do in the drills and such and what we should expect. The first drill we had was the fire drill , it was easy and just went by in a snap. And after that we took on a small break.

During the break I found out that one of my classmates came from the dreaded PMMA school , and I said to him that for a PMMA kid , he's a bit more friendlier than the rest of his kin

Now the second drill exercise we had was difficult on my part normally because I cannot swim and swimming drill for me is such a pain. Even with a life jacket I can be easily distinguished from the class because of my inept skills on water, good thing for me this will not be a problem on this seminar despite me having to jump on about 4 meters in height to the water and swimming my way toward the floating platform.

At about 2pm , the whole drill exercise is finished and we proceed back to the training center via bus., we waited for an hour or 30 mins for our certificates to be released  and after that we headed off in our own different ways