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Thursday, August 9, 2018


It's been a month since my arrival in the Philippines again , and roughly about two months or three since I wrote anything.

For the moment I'm still trying to get the settling feeling and making myself comfortable now that I'm back home again. During that time I didn’t waste any minute in upgrading and replacing most of my equipment that I had on my luggage in preparation for the next ship work "tour". Well most of my equipment was replaced but the electronic equipment I will be carrying on my next ship work will be relatively unchanged, because I wasn’t able to upgrade them during and after on my previous ship. So it’s a huge possibility that the electronic equipment I have will be just simply be carried over on the next ship work I'd be into (in a different company).

On other news aside from the upgrades and overhaul on some of my gear., My separation with the UPL - Shell company was met with hostilities., especially with the crewing manager Jasmine Salvador which even threaten me that they'd have me being BLACKLISTED ., and denied of a sea service certificate.

Now black listed for what ??? I'm not sure what they'd put up but as far as I'm concern ., I'm a so called "contractual employee" and once the contract is over , I can freely leave the company - No strings attach ! . Besides I didn’t even spoke openly that "UPL SUCKS" in the social media like what I did in Cf Sharp. Heck I didn’t even sign on anything that might put me in debt or owe them money. So basically they got nothing on me and have no leverage on how they can trap my ass. Just to add they're so called threats are illegal to begin with and I could complain anytime on the department of labor about this issue.

Obviously that old shit bag is making hallow threats, Anyway that shit stick can threaten as much as she wants and it won't stop me from my decision in ditching  her crappy company. It makes me even thinking more that my decision is right all along.

In the end it was relieving that I finally got rid of them for good., Those bastards even took my marshal island seaman's book along with the Filofax holder with a shell logo that they gave me half a year ago. Anyway its fine on me since they're Filofax sucks and it's too bulky for my back pack anyway

As far as I'm concerned , I'm not going to change my mind over leaving them - even if I'm threaten or they have perks that I really wanted to have. The risk is greater than the reward for me if I stick around with them a little longer.