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Monday, July 15, 2019



Just a few more days for me to wait before I get off on my ass again. Hopefully this should be interesting enough for me in the coming of days ahead.

Speaking of , there have been some changes on MARINA . Apparently from what I have been hearing lately , Marina has apparently shifted in going "Digital" when it comes to processing employment papers for sailors in the Philippines and they named their digital systems of documentation "MISMO" (in English translation from Tagalog local language here, it means "Instant").

In a technological innovation perspective, "MISMO" is a very good idea - that is if the Philippines is a first world country to begin with. In theory "MISMO" system would have been a very effective and efficient way on how to deal the logistical problems of processing working papers for filipino sailors - But like I said, its IN THEORY…..,

Unfortunately it's not and from the looks of it the systems is adding (or feeding) more of the problem in processing documents than solving it. "MISMO" is basically a good invention with a poor implementation scenario.  Apparently instead of processing the documents in a much faster rate , it turns out in reality that the systems is handling the processing of papers on a 450 percent slower than the usual rate. It takes roughly about a month to finish a single set of documents and probably even longer if the seafarer here has to deal with multiple sets of documents.

In any case on my part , I haven't personally gone on that part yet and more likely in had to deal with it later on since I have at least two sets of paper documents for MARINA to register. For now , my only agenda is to recover my brand new passport since I just renewed this last month. After that , it’s the part where I have to deal with this MISMO thing. And then after that I have to report back and show my face around  to my employer for my next ship assignment. On that part , I'm not looking forward in meeting TCC principal again and it would be better if they assigned me to a different ship owner, TCC for me has some issues - serious issues on their working policies.

Changing discussion topic here …

So how prepared am I in case I get reassigned again and be "deployed" on the next ship???

Basically I'm pretty much well prepared and ready. I have already prepared in advance the tools and equipment I'd be needing for the journey and plus keeping my luggage in check within the 20 kilogram limit per luggage (only two luggage are allowed , and one hand carried). The only thing missing on my luggage load out is the medicines and my electronic gear (which there's nothing missing or left out on my electronic equipment , I just simply haven't pack it up yet on my backpack)

For the meds I need , theres no rush rush need for it and most likely it will be completed later on. The meds I will be carrying will depend on what kind of environment the ship will be station with , like for example on what happened on my last ship assignment were the ship is mostly station on tropical weather . In that situation my meds are mostly composed of anti-dehydration and anti-heat medicines to keep me on my feet. If by bad luck I get assigned again on TCC, then I'd just simply reorder the types of medicines I used last time.

One thing I forgot to mention , One minor change will be put on my arrangement in my luggage equipment. On my earlier years most of my electronic gear is stored on my hand carried bag (back pack) . It was fine like that but unfortunately there's no assurance that hand carried luggage will always be "no weight" limit at the airport and given on that kind of situation, I don’t want to end up throwing some brand new flashy media player or computer on the trash bin just because I had to cut weight on what I'm carrying.  So for now most of my electronic will be swapped and put on my second luggage bag (personal items) and in turn some stuff on my second luggage will now be put on my hand carried bag.

It will give me comfort that if ever my hand carried luggage will suddenly be scaled for weight at the airport , The only stuff that I'd just be throwing out will be just some clothes and unessential stuff , not the expensive high end flash stuff.