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Thursday, January 24, 2013


It's more than a week since I got my star bucks planner and yet I still brag about it to my sister, I don’t  know maybe on the fact that having something valuable and collectible and just using it on everyday use  make me feel I'm enjoying  writing  on it a lot. By the way I looked for this so called  collectible "Star Bucks Planner" and found out that this sucker cost as much as 1200 PHP a set in the Online Buy and Sell website. I mean that much for a notebook ???! A bit steep and exaggerated really. Funny I got this planner even though I'm not a coffee drinker and loathe drinking coffee

My StarBucks Planner , with my spy pen
During work , we were debriefed by our TL before our work shift start and informs us about a new DPA Guidelines that was put up, (Some sort of *Verbal* Password to be spoken over the phone) . According to what was announced , The personal security question is now as good enough as a *Password* for the account security.

As the work shift starts, I'm constantly annoyed over Dustin mentioning and announcing my name saying that my ACW meter is now 1 minute. Fucking Great !!! Do I have to get a news flash every time my After Call Wait time is beyond a Minute (60 seconds) ?! I'm really pestered on this kind of behavior and that I find it totally annoying to get a news flash

Half way, I was plucked out of work for a "coaching" session from a TL and probably perhaps to read out my QA report which I read out earlier to be unfavorable , and indeed the coaching session was all about it. Based on what TL john told , this is going to be my final written warning and next time that I do another failed DPA scorecard again , I will be fired from the job.  Fair enough if that was the case and yet somehow I wasn’t fazed on the memo , I try to as much as I could to pretend that I'm scared of being fired from the job and yet the threats were hollow. Maybe on the fact that TRANSCOM has some pay issues and that I don’t like staying with this company ,no longer than necessary because of it .

After the coaching session , I resumed my normal work as nothing had happened.

On working relations , It seems that "Rose" and "McVin"  is having some relationship problems. Rose is having mini quarrels with her boyfriend , while "McVin" is the same as well. It's not my problem anyway but I find it amusing that sometimes I saw "Rose" boyfriend is being a helicopter and hovers around her even during working hours, like some sort of "Control Freak" boyfriend. Like I said I don’t mind other peoples business as long as they don’t intervene on my business.

The work shift went along fine without any problems.

The following day….

I was thinking of what will I do just incase I get fired - UNSCHEDULED Permanent leave on work that is . Well I contemplate on several things , maybe perhaps head off to far ortigas area and go to Maersk or PITON call center and find my luck there. I don’t know.

Or maybe perhaps if I had enough savings on my money I could perhaps head off to taking a licensure examination, or even perhaps go back to college and study marine engineering. Who knows ?

Honestly I'm enjoying myself and the my time here in the call center , however I had to face the reality that I had to leave this company someday and that fight head on the accursed Maritime / Sailing Industry for one last final time. I'm already setting up my plans for the long travel and had to be fixing my supplies by February 2013 for preparation and hopefully I could put a complete resolution to my status being a sailor.

I had a lot of dreams and expectations that didn't materialize because of this so called "Noble" profession , Bah !!! Noble in what way ? As in burn a hole in my pocket and plunder me till the last drop ? And

Last Saturday ….

"Dustin" :You never take in escalated calls right ? Then what do you do to the callers ? Disconnect them ???

Me: No I don’t, I Throw them to Customer Loyalty Department- AS IN COLD TRANSFER.

Dustin was absolutely horrified when I said that, I couldn't paint the look on his face when he heard it came out on my lips. Probably because I was a Good  telephone operator doing bad things and I didn't like customers bitching me up

TL JOHN was on a scheduled leave and so is "gwen" and some of the folks are absent as well. So there were only a few of us working on this Saturday shift, There isn't much news going on to be honest until Sunday .

On Monday …

I nearly got into a nasty brawl over some college kid inside a public jeepney on my way to work. Fortunately the kid never had the balls for an all out confrontation and was just an all bark - no bite bastard.  Apparently the kid gave me a nasty remark when I was boarding the jeepney and said to me "Go to the back of the line" , I didn’t take those words lightly and who the fuck he is to say that. I gave him a nasty look until both of us boarded the jeepney and when he disembarked , I made a loud comment enough for him to hear saying "Fucking kids , what a bastard" .

In other news surprisingly, there's a lot of avail time happening when it's supposedly  to be queuing on the phone line. The main reason to it was probably on the fact that the main system server in Talktalk is not functional properly resulting to more than 20 minutes of avail time. Good for me in the sense that its about time I get a break from work.

On Tuesday ….

Two new oppressive memo's came up in the office , one is a memo from the management that tells that anyone who gets caught wearing casual clothes without a "Dress Down" Pass will be issued an NTE memo and will be subjected to termination, and that employees who pay the said dress down pass will be given an immunity to guard inspection on this so called "dress code" policy. 

To add more to the insult is that the email said "DRESS DOWN PASS IS OPTIONAL" . What ??!! Who the fuck are they kidding !!! , whoever said that the dress down pass is optional should be beaten to death in public because its pure horseshit and hypocrisy , well the only reason why the dress down pass is being sold it that employees are afraid to lose their jobs over it. Fearing an NTE memo is close on being fired as well 

Whatever they say about it and no matter how much they put it , my mind still thinks that its mandatory and that they're just profiting the money out of their employees.  Honestly relations with TRANSCOM is getting sour and the working conditions is becoming good to bad. I guess the only reason why they put up with this memo was probably because sales from this so called "Dress Down" Pass is declining and that they need to boost ripping the money off from they're employees. POOR TRANSCOM instead of paying good money in taking care of their employee's efforts it turns out that they want to profit more by doing extortion.

The Controversial Dress Down Ticket , A Perk or an Extortion ???

Another thing that pissed me off aside from that was this personal rule imposed by a manager, According to what the information relayed to me by TL John , I am forbidden to carry my Starbucks planner from now on.

Funny rule in the sense that they forbid me to carry it , when they themselves have one - though not a Star Bucks Planner .  What I think is that who ever Manager said this is one HYPOCRITE BASTARD , ? jealous bastard couldn't probably buy one and was obviously jealous that I posses a Star Bucks planner.

Honestly I don’t see the big deal out of it me possessing one and The problem with us Filipinos is that we sabotage and do what ever we can to cause trouble whenever we see a Fellow filipino who has better stuff than ours . FUCKING MANAGER !!