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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Team Awesome Members Checking the email for confirmation
TL. John made a  post-shift meeting and it was quite a long one, First off is that after almost two months of waiting we get to finally go back to the TV Depart and will be resuming our usual duties and functions there by February 04, 2013. So I guess CSB: RECONTRACTS Department wont be needing us to do their wet work on a long term basis and new replacements will be heading on to fill our places. It was good news indeed that were no longer needed in CSB Department and that they will be putting us back on our original station departments , I myself am relieved on the news and on the fact that its already been long overdue and some of my co-workers are starting to gossip that TL John is withholding information from us and that he may knew that were going to be permanently stationed in CSB department . Like I said , I take the manager's word for it and that they will return us back to TV or otherwise I'm going to think that they're a bunch of liars

 I'm relieved and what's more is that its official and the email came from the brass themselves that were going to be put back to the TV Department.

Another news that was given is that there's a new imposed rule on the CSB RECONTRACTS department , unfortunately its an ugly one.

Our Old house Blender which broke down recently
Based on the info said to us by TL John , CSB RECONTRACTS will have a target that every agent should have an at least 1 RECONTRACT per day per agent. In other words as what "McVin" yelp at during the meeting "WHAT A QUOTA ?!!!!!" . Unfortunately this will the case for now on our situation and its mandatory as what the brass says, Honestly the policy is a bit steep and I cant see if any agent will meet their said policy - AS IN EVER MEET IT AT ALL.  And I agree on what "McVin" said in this one , - a total bullshit policy.

Another news related to work is that since our Team is one of the highest scores metrics n this so called cluster , some other teams are getting jealous and are meddling with working affairs of our team . One such example is the incident which TL john said that one of the agents from another team visited us to just say that "Mark" is in high ACW number. Of course both TL John and "mark" didn’t like someone is meddling and that the other teams "Messenger" went through so much trouble as going from the 4th floor of the building all the way up to the fifth just to tell us that,  Funny that they have to go that much trouble just informing us about it. Well it’s a good thing that its was "Mark" being target and not me , otherwise id tell them a few colorful words like something close to "FUCK OFF"

Btw 3 new members joined in recently on the group and here's the updated list of our group

John Edward Rivero (Our Team Lead)

On Saturday,

There was a sudden change of schedule and we were put up on the 5pm to 2am shift. Unfortunately it resulted in some of my Co-workers ended up showing 8pm instead of 5 pm shift, only  a few of us actually got there in time and some were even late or in the nick of time such as "Rose".

To make matters more complicated, T.L. John told us that starting next week and every Saturday shift our working schedule will be always at 5am to 2pm , Had no idea why the brass put us on an early shift every Saturday but nevertheless I had to comply with it. Apparently almost of all us didn’t like the new schedule and both me and "Mark" were very vocal about it, "Dustin" however is neutral.

During the middle of the call , I was astonish on one particular call on the fact that he was very positive and somewhat appreciated my work as a telephone operator, he said something that no matter how horrible or how much the callers degrade us. We should still maintain our dignity and identity in handling callers and no matter how many crap they pour they should treat me with respect. Honestly I didn’t know what to say on what the caller said and I'm not expecting such inspirational words

Planning My Schdules and Blog Write-Ups in the Planner
Based on the call log that registered on my TRIO Telephony system , his name is Shane Swanson ( Probably an Australian Living in Britain). I didn’t had the time to thank him on what he said but it let's me think that somehow there are still good callers around in this god awful shitty mess called BPO Industry, and that not all people of their kind are bastards - some are, but not all the way. From all the people of their *kind*, the people whom I get along well and are the best are English people , and Australians (the best without doubt ). couldn’t say the same on Americans though, fucking rude bastard people.

 After the work shift

TL John , summoned all of the group to have a post shift meeting at the Talktalk TV room , in there he discussed to us about the teams failing attendance / punctuality scores, and said that we better shape up on it or else he will have to forced to issue an NTE memo ( more like a final written warning before being fired) on people who have punctuality issues .

By the way during the meeting, it was also discussed that by the time we will return to the TV Department - there is a possibility that our working shift and off work days might be changed.  "Renee" and  "J. Pawhay" (Jenelyn Pawhay)  wants it to be weekends off, however though how much sweet weekends  are , this could spell trouble on my day agenda's in maritime employment and educational upgrade since this sector mostly deals on regular working hours and working days. Maybe I hope any day in week days are ok for me - not on week ends.

The Following day

It was a big relief that the our "Re Contract" functions as an CSB , has been removed permanently and that were also removed from the Queuing line of "Re Contracts" until further notice. Thank god they had us removed on that cursed shit hole were avail time is only 5 seconds Maximum and you handle more than 60 plus calls a day (for the record "Dustin" reached the peak of 78 calls a day). Without argument this is one of the worst departments  in Talktalk for a call center agent

There Isn't much incoming calls and my ACW and Hold metrics are quite a bit low than usual , heck I could even finish a call and do a wrap up in a ready status (Ready to received calls). There was so much avail time , more than enough to do almost every procedure to do after a call. I can even sent passively *supermail* email manuals on the customers email address to help him out on his issues and not call back within the 7 day period

Speaking of which, so how many software tools do I exactly have on my computer to work with? Well here's the complete list and description and in order arrangement based on my computer.

Used basically as more like a "sticky notes" , I get the notes from my online client email program then post it here.

This is the main note pad I used when I'm in a call and write down the transcript of the conversation, then copy and paste it back to TRIO Software.

This is Just a reserve notepad , which I used only as an extra software window to "push back" and rearrange my other software tools in proper order. I rarely put notes here and mostly this is just reserve for "Supervisor" calls (*SupCall* term for short). Main Function of this is much more like a "SIGN BOARD" to inform those  bastard QA People on what I am doing behind the computer screen. As a precaution, Just in case a screen capture technology would be developed later on in TRANSCOM.

CTI Telephony
Not exactly sure what the exact overall meaning of this , but to simply put it this the primary "Soft Phone" we use. It handles the usual functions of a phone like Hold, Transfer , Voice conference, 3- way call , etc. as such and is eventually hooked up on a hardware (an actual Physical Phone) just beside the PC. Unfortunately It’s  weak spot is since its not automated , using this tools means that a TRANSCOM agent is stuck typing in a lot of numbers and buttons on the keyboard. In spite of this , "Cisco" is definitely much more reliable than our secondary Telephony system called TRIO.

TRIO SYSTEM (includes Trio telephony, open only using IE Web Browser)
This sucker is an integrated tool, serves as a tool to pull up details on the callers account , book an engineer here , check transaction records etc. Basically you can get away working on the whole shift only using this tool and this software is AUTOMATED , meaning you never have to mash a lot of buttons on a keyboard ever to pull up the customers acct and what you simply do here is just look , point and click. All detailed info about the callers acct automatically pops up on the screen and the only thing you have to do is verbally confirm the details .

Its secondary function is a full stand alone Telephony system complete with functions very similar (if not identical ) to CTI telephony system. Though the secondary function doesn't work quite well and most of the time end up having to close the browser and pull it up again.

CSA PORTAL (Use with IE explorer only)
This is much similar in function with TRIO when it comes to pulling up the customers account information , but with much less user friendly interface than TRIO. This tool is mainly used in conducting and processing Payments and financial transaction with callers and the only tool I can thing of such since "TRIO" had been *decentralized* and the payment function was moved to this tool. Basically this is the "ONLINE" version of the customers accounts on the internet.

WILLIAMS LEA (Use with IE explorer only)
This is mostly used as some sort of archive PDF and lets me view the customers paper billing in electronic form.  The charges on the customers bill is much more easier to interpret and view using this tool, really good tool to be used when having a billing dispute with bitchy customers.

REMEDY (Use with IE explorer only , Use only if you’re a TECH or TV Agent)
Only used if you’re a tech guy or a TV agent , and since I'm still a CSB agent I only use this as a reference for a fault for verification. If I was a TV agent its function is for reporting a fault to the back office team and a reference on what happened to the customers fault and see what happened.

QUBE (Use with IE explorer only, Use only If you’re a TECH or TV Agent)
Tool used only to book an engineer and cancel an appointment. Nothing more , nothing less

GOOGLE CHROME A ( For Call Logger Tool, Resolve3 and Opal Portal Tools)
This is of course a web browser that combines 3 software tools or in my case I've integrated it to one single browser. Take note that Resolve3 and Opal portal tool is used only for TECH and TV agents.
CALL LOGGER , Basically this is a "Time Stamp and Registration" on calls that I handle on the whole work shift. Input the callers number here during the call or before the call ends. Otherwise a metric score of "KB Utilization" will suffer. Theoretically not using call logger has no serious repercussions , heck it doesn’t even have any *Useful* function at all and is just a burden for an agent. By the way there's a "Cheat" using this tool , though I will elaborate later on in my journal on how to do it.
RESOLVE3 TOOL is definitely a call flow process in TECH agents term, or in plain English a step by step troubleshooting manual. Not exactly a hundred percent fool proof manual as some of the options of this tool are buggy dead ends and are looping , ending me going into circles during the call. This tool is useful only for TECH and TV Agents not for CSB.
OPAL PORTAL this tool is divided by several tabs for each function of it. Generally this tool is used for line diagnostics, doing a line test and such and even cancelling out engineering appointments. Divided it on several tabs on the chrome browser , one tab is dedicated only for doing a line diagnostics , another is dedicated for doing a line test (metascript test) , another is for verifying order status , another is for checking and cancelling engineering appointments

GOOGLE CHROME B (Knowledge KB tool )
The only browser were I had dedicated the entire function of it as more like a "reference" tool. Its only one tool and yet I had divided it on to several parts.
DECISION TREE - From the name itself , it’s a flowchart in making decisions based on the calls situation
DIRECTORY - Self explanatory, a  phone book list containing all the number were to transfer callers
SUPERMAIL - This function of KB tool is more like sending an email reference manual so that the caller so he / she wont pester you for another 7 days
REAL TIME UPDATES - never used this tool once but this function revolves around scheduled system maintenance
TALKTALK Tools - List of software tools Plain and simple
TALKTALK Website ( Official website of talktalk and I use it as a reference on sales related enquiries

GOOGLE CHROME C (MS Outlook Online, NuComm, Yahoo website, Wikipedia, Google)
This browser is reserved for internal working communications.
MS Outlook Online - This version is an online web based email client, receiving email notifications and late minute updates coming from your boss , sometimes it is also used by other co-works as trending email for  discussion and other monkey chatter.  Funny thing though , My TL sends me and updated email announcement even though he is just right beside my computer station - well he could have just told me verbally since I'm just right in front of him
NuComm - Internal website of TRANSCOM , INTRANET for short.
YAHOO Website ( - mostly used as a leisure website and checking out online private webmail.
WIKIPEDIA  - an online webs based encyclopedia
GOOGLE - Google mail search

EMPOWER TOOL (Google Browser window)
 Software tool used for viewing QA evaulation reports , knowing time schedules, Viewing Pay slip Deductions , everything related to employee affairs and the Company.

UK TIME (Google Browser Window)
Used to tell the time in Britain, a window clock. Synchronized with in the computer PC clock

MANILA TIME (Google Browser Window)
 Used to tell the local time here in manila , synchronized also with the computer clock

As the name implies , you can figure out what this means

M.EBUDDY MESSENGER (Using Mozilla Fire Fox Web Browser)
This is an online web browser based Messenger program. A third party Multi platform messenger , Integrates Face book Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Windows live Messenger, AOL Messenger, Gtalk Messenger in a single unified program. Since this is a web browser based , you don’t have to secretly install any programs at all. Conserves time in setting it up.
In Plain English terms its my form of communication outside the office , Chat with friends , Family and acquaintances that are outside the workplace. Can also serves as an internal office Messenger if your works mates are listed as "friends" in Face book,

OPEN OFFICE ORG (optional)
Linux based program capable (and similar to Microsoft Office Excel program), used to a total "Audit" of all the calls made during the work shift

Yeah got a lot of tools juggling around the computer screen, and who says that being a call center agent is a fun job eh ?!

The look of my computer screen, showing on Upper left window is the main screen, upper and middle right hand side are time clocks for the UK and manila, mid right hand side also shows ebuddy messenger and lower left is the classic notepad, while lower right is the Cisco CTI telephony system