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Sunday, January 6, 2013


For Some reason this morning is kinda peaceful while walking
Woke up early and went to the quaipo area to settle a few business agenda's like buying a new life size calendar for the house and inquiring on my college school on how much is the schooling fee for marine engineering , and how much will it cost to have a replacement TOR (transcript of academic records) document. Unfortunately for me I wasn’t able to finish the latter task due the city holiday called "feast of the nazarene" in quiapo, which meant that my school PMI College is closed for that day due to the said holiday and worst I didn’t found out until I was already there.

I was fortunate also that "C.Pabalay" accompanied me to get the calendar.

Fast forward the following day….

Seems that the shower room area on the fifth floor of the building has some problems and is currently under maintenance, unfortunate for me in the sense that when I used one of the shower rooms it flooded and worst was the water that came up was the one from the toilet. Resulting to my foot being soaked with sewage water and had to get out of the shower booth as soon as possible , otherwise taking a bath before work is worthless if I smell like crap.

One good thing thought is that when I hurriedly got out of the shower booth to go to another , no one was inside the shower room or else they could have saw me walking around butt naked and transferring  my things to next shower booth.

Inside the production floor area…

Me and my co-workers were asked again by T.L. John Rivero if we would reconsider in taking up the working shift of 3pm to 12 Midnight. Some of the members of the group agreed or didn’t mind it at all while others like me, mark and Joshua expressed our strong opposition on the idea.

 didn’t like the idea on the fact that, what benefit will I gain if I do get on the 3pm to 12 midnight schedule? And to make it complicated is that British local time is eight hours delay from the local time in the Philippines , hinting that they will put us right in the middle of a queuing work shift and that's not the worst part. The worst is that we only got 2 hours of night differential pay out of the 6 hours we usually get on our current working shift (8pm to 5am), To simply say it the management will be putting us on more work and less pay in that working shift.

I strongly oppose that kind of idea and working shift on the fact that I have nothing to benefit from it and instead id be losing money in the process. And for the record I don't trust TRANSCOM - yet. since they haven't sorted out our so called "TECH ALLOWANCE of 2,000 PHP" which they promised (and signed up on the contract) after the 3rd month of working here. If they can't straighten out the issue then there's a valid reason why I shouldn't trust this "3am to 12 midnight" shift, they should sort this one out first then - we talk.

 Otherwise I shall think TRANSCOM is just scamming us on our salaries, more work and less pay.   Business is business - I wont work extra if there is no additional money to be put up and of for the record I don’t trust Indian country manager - regardless what the companies reputation is. I have heard a lot of nasty things about Indian bosses running the show unfavorable to Filipino labor standards  and I do hope TRANSCOM isn't one of them.

During mid-shift on the work I was pulled out by T.L. John , for a regular evaluation on my calls. Unfortunately It turned out unfavorable on my end as it was recorded and was caught red handed saying that on the phone that there is a "System Maintenance Issues" when there is none at all.  It didn’t bother me though I got reprimanded on it , on the fact that TRANSCOM isn't a very good employer and has some issues in regards to salary dispute.