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Thursday, January 10, 2013


My new Starbucks 2013 Planner limited edition given to me by my younger sister , too bad I'm going to defile this notebook in days to come.

Me, McVin, Renee, Dustin , Mark and Gwen was pulled out earlier on our working shift at about 9pm till 12 midnight. The reason for the sudden pull out from our usual call duties was that we were again being retrained on some sort of thing called "RECONTRACTS" , from what I learned - it has something to do more on like selling again the products and services to a customer who will finish their subscription contract within less than 3 months.  We were trained by none other than "Jack" the fat girl I mentioned on my earlier stay in TRANSCOM when I was still in the Training Phase.

Didn't know that Boxer shorts come in coffee mugs
Honestly I never liked the idea of re-contracts in the sense that this is the function taken over by the sales department and this is plainly called an "Up sell" which no matter how much they change the term - I still don’t like it, plain and simple , even when I was in the cursed AT&T account in TELETECH , I never did such as an up sell , even when I was in Sykes ,( considering it was an autocrat company).

 Fact is I will disobeyed order's especially when it comes to "Up selling" or "sales" no matter how much they fed us the bullshit information on how mandatory it is, besides that - why the hell would I follow the procedure in offering an up sell in the first place ? And what benefit will I gain if I did such ?

Monetary commissions ?

I don’t think so !

Hell I don't give a fuck on their so called commissions, which they so brag about which I recall correct on what "Jack" told us in the lecture that we (quote) get a non taxable 100 PHP per 3 successful re-contracts, amounting to only about  33.33 PHP a single re-contract. GOD DAMN IT !!! The money they are co called offering is so stiff that it is very obvious that they are haggling our salaries and scamming us on it.

I may have the lowest performance stats for the whole group but I'm not stupid, I refuse to up sell. TRANSCOM couldn't even pay us correctly during the holiday season and I bet they even stole our double holiday pay and cheated us in the "2000 PHP Tech allowance" money written on our contracts. Why the fuck should I put my faith on some swindling call center company like TRANSCOM WORLDWIDE  PHILIPPINES INC.

By 11pm the training skill is all over and were again free to roam around for at least an hour.

During the said free time , I came across to my former classmate in high school, Christian Cruz (a.k.a "Cat" during high school years) . He asked me why the hell he's not seeing my face around the TV Department anymore, I replied that I was transferred to the customer service department a month ago and as of the moment I am still currently stuck and no word yet on when will I be transferred back.

C.Cruz said that there's a rumor going on that the Talktalk TV department may be dissolved soon and that TRANSCOM is relocating their agents to the other departments incase dissolution arrives in TV plus Department. It's a rumor of course and I cannot verify if this is true or not.

During Monday

Marikina Road is quite filthy , no thanks to this bazaar
Schedule for taking in re contracts calls have commenced and as usual our computers are constantly being bombarded by piss off British customers from Talktalk, Although we do have been given a direct order that we should offer this so called re contracts and even threaten that failure to offer this to customers will result in us having a memo (and perhaps even being fired).

 Sinister as it may sound - it did not stop me from disobeying orders and pretend I heard nothing from the training I had , for me I just find it a big burden on the fact that I wont benefit from it at all and on top of that - for the record , I dislike being coerced.

It seems also that "mark" and I don’t like the idea , "Gwen" did mention also that she didn’t like it as well. However some of my teammates did manage to do an up sell like for example "Dustin" who claims to have 2 up sells , and "RENEE" who has a single up sell. I'm not sure on the others from our team if they did had an up sell.On my end i received 5 possible recontracts, and no matter how much the customer wants me to do a recontract for them (or transcom threatens me to do a recontract) , i simply transferred it to customer loyalty.

Hell i dont give a fuck , besides that 3 recontracts for 100 PHP ? Transcom can shove that money inside their tight asses. Aside from that I'm giving the customer loyalty department a big favor and I'm giving them my commission of that possible  recontracts worth 166.65 PHP  (Take note POSSIBLE RECONTRACTS ), they should be proud of that I'm generous on the 166.65 PHP - Blah ! i wont go to so much trouble of recontracts just for the sake of 166.65 PHP

Late in the working shift

T.L. John said to the group that we should check our emails for some good news , I wasn't interested at first but Later did check my mails and found out that TRANSCOM is now sponsoring applications for subscriptions of SMART cellular service, from what I saw in the email. The postpaid plan they are offering is as little as 300 PHP and we get a free Samsung Galaxy pocket phone.

Honestly I find it very tempting and that I do in fact need a phone since I'm currently just borrowing the one I have. A Samsung Galaxy Pocket Phone wont hurt at all,  and as far as I know its an android OS based phone.

"Dustin" , "Mark" , "Joshua" and Me immediately expressed our interest in how to acquire one after all 300 PHP monthly fee is very light to pay compared to my previous now defunct globe subscription years before ,on which that I had to pay a minimum 800 PHP per month for the call service package.

Unfortunately based on the email If ever I'm interested I would still have to wait as far as February 1 for it.

On Tuesday working shift……

I saw one of our former Co-workers visit during our break schedules,  It was "Dan" ( peter danbert powell) whom I saw. Apparently when I , along with "Mark" and "McVin" approached him to have a short talk , We learned that TRANSCOM marked him Awol on his working file records and that he is having difficulty searching for a job in a call center called "JP Morgan and Chase" because of this.  Apparently from what I learned "JP Morgan and Chase" BPO company is conducting an extensive background check on their applicants and that the name TRANSCOM came along on "Dan's" file, So it brings "Dan" here in TRANSCOM to clear off his records. I don’t know what happened to him later on though.

I did also saw "Badong" (Bernadette Retorca) visit TRANSCOM, though I didn't get to approach her since I was in a hurry to get a computer station and that "Norman Estrada" is busy talking to her . I only surmise that she has the same agenda as "Dan's"

Midway during the shift , I went on to "Beserk" mode again from fatigue and lack of sleep and apparently it resulted into a few intentional disconnected calls in the process. I admit my mistake on that part and that I should had took a sleep when I went home. In any case I think , I might have disconnected at least about 10 calls in the process.

Also "TL John Rivero" lost his pen and incidentally borrowed mine , Unfortunately for some reason "TL john" knows that my pen is not exactly a pen at all built for writing. He knows it’s a spy pen probably because the logo "CDR-KING" is stenciled on it , and it so happens that "CDR-KING" is a well known electronic store here.

 Fine with me if only my TL knows about the existence of this Spy pen , problem is that "McVin" couldn't hold his big fat mouth and announced to everyone that I had a video spy pen in the office. Eventually this caused quite a stir on the team and lead to the disclosure of the existence of my spy pen.  God Damn it McVin ! Doesn’t even know the term secrecy and privacy

Pocket WiFi modem , in comparison with the size of my Video Spy pen. Small yet can hold 8 mobile devices at the same time