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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Journal entry : November 18, 2016
Location: en route to Saudi Arabia
I Haven't wrote anything on these past couple of days , Probably because I was busy pondering things and received news from my sister that mom has passed away. I was totally devastated to hear the news and wasn't in the mood to do anything even on work - to me everything seems meaningless now, and there's no point in being a sailor anymore. I haven't asked the exact details on how mom died and was in no position to ask, I was simply too grief stricken to know what happened. The only known details I know on mom's death was she died of cardiac congestion, a result from too much creatinine levels in the blood from kidney failure. Before learning of my mom's death , all that I know back home was that the kidney dialysis machines of Amang Rodriguez Hospital broke down and mom was advised to transfer to another hospital for treatment until the machines were fix, the next news that came in after a couple of days was that mom implants and vein "died" and my sister was in a frantic race of either constructing a new implant on mom 's left arm and putting an "IG" cut connecting to mom hearts as a remedy while the new implant is being constructed. Then after that , there was silent communication between me and the house for almost a week.
November 10 came by and was busy doing a lot of stuff back home, when I opened my face book page - I was immediately greeted by my younger sisters message informing me that our mom just passed away. There I felt a cold chill upon hearing the news as if some part of me just died, I was grief stricken and couldn't focus on work properly. I was lucky that I always wore a mask and some protective shades , part of my face protection or else they would have seen me having tears or watery eyes.
No Words can express my loss of both my parents this year, 5 months ago dad died suddenly now mom died on the same year. My sister and I are now both orphans and alone on this world, so we have to be strong to face what lies ahead in life.