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Sunday, July 15, 2018


April 27, 2018 Friday

There's a lot of things I should be discussing (or writing) right now ., and I don’t know where to start.

For the moment my recent transfer on "watch keeping" duties has lead me to a grudge between two second officers here. I didn't start any trouble but they did ., and I'm just defending myself against this kind of people . For now I can say that im in a long standing feud with them for their psychological maltreatment I had been receiving to them ., like being shouted and labelled "Stupid" almost every day, and saying "I should use my brain" .

Personally I don’t think it is right to call people like that , and I dislike it. As a retaliation I'm giving them the "cold treatment" and simply ignores them.

In other news .,

Recently me and O.S. "Pamorada" ., that the contract we signed up here for in UPL - Shell / Nakilat was deceptive. From what I recall almost six months back ., we asked the office a number of times on what will be our salary rate for the job and they repeatedly said that its 1,129 U.S. dollars per month. Now six months later me and O.S. "Pamora" re read the contract we signed up for and did the math ., and what we discovered was very disappointing. From the looks of it ., we were actually just being paid by only 1001 U.S. Dollars per month and not on what the office said a few months back that’s 1129 U.S. dollars.

To add more insult to injury - the 1001 U.S. Dollars we had been receiving for a month does not include deductions ., Like Social Security , Housing Loan , Health Insurance , Seafarer Union dues etc. . Overall our apparent guess is that we had only been making money at around somewhere 800 (minumum) to 900 (maximum) U.S. Dollars per month.

To simply say .. UPL - Shell / Nakilat lied to us about our salary scale., and personally right now I feel I was cheated and being manipulated by this company.