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Thursday, December 26, 2019


On the night of Christmas day , a Phone call rang to my cabin when answered , its was O.S. Dalida and he says the he wants to discuss something that he can't discuss with over the phone in regards with the sudden change of behavior of Pump man Carnaje, and something to do with the Filipino chief officer Merk.

At midnight he knocked to my cabin and I let him in. Inside he said he overheard Merk blabber at the dinner table , speaking bisaya furiously (local ethnic dialect in the philippines) that Chief officer Merk was furious over some reports he received that some sort of complaint has reached the main office of OSM regarding the incident about me and Pump man Carnaje and that the report included (or added) 2 O.S. we're allegedly being treated badly (maltreatment). O.S. Dalida added that they suspect me ,that I'm the one behind the said report.

I told O.S. Dalida , that if ever what he overheard was true, I had nothing to do behind it and someone else made the said report. Although it was my plan to make a complaint and report it to the OSM Office later on, I didn’t proceed on it until I can guarantee and have reached the safety of the Philippines, which unfortunately will not happen at least until May 2020 or June 2020 or speaking easily 6 months away at least. I added that I specifically told my sister that no action will be taken until I reached the Philippines in fear that there's a possibility of retribution and revenge will soon be followed while I'm onboard.  At least if I made the report in the Philippines, there's no possibility that retribution can be made on their side.  

Whatever the case and whoever made the report , did not consider that factor and was probably brainless in making one. Assuming what O.S. dalida said was true, it’s a probability that I'm not the only one who has a grudge with them and whoever it is has direct access to the OSM Office. As far as I know , the only person who has a Grudge with Chief mate Merk is the Indian Chief engineer and exactly fits my bill of suspicion, but like I said its only suspicion - nothing solid.

Anyway I told O.S. Dalida, that I'm not the one and whoever it is , its definitely not me, I didn’t further tell him that about the incident merk and the chief engineer had a heated argument which the captain and another chief mate saw publicly . I didn’t tell him for security reasons.

For now, because of this so called report. I'm obviously getting spooked again and will have to take extra measures for my safety, it is apparent that they will target me because of this suspicions. It’s a shame that Filipino's do this to other Filipino's onboard and there's a saying that there is no greater enemy of a Filipino but a Filipino itself.