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Monday, December 23, 2019


Things might have turned for the worse here, (at least work wise) apparently , there's a rumor I heard during breakfast which O.S. Alvin and A.B. Jun are talking about. From what I overheard is that Saturday and Sunday work schedules will be changed., Saturday will be apparently be a whole work while Sunday will be at least half days work schedules. If this rumor will be true then this ship will be rendered to a "every day Monday" schedule., for short working hours will be long and the whole contract will be uncomfortable.

Of course this rumor I heard is still yet to be confirmed and I will find out later within the week if this is the case, If it does , then the next move I should make is what step will I be doing to adapt for it.

A.B. Jun and O.S. Alvin , while hearing this jokingly said that "my rest days will be screwed" . They also added to the joke that there might be "overtime pay" for it. As for me I just kept quiet and hid my thought just inside my head, its safe that way. Just hid in the "shadows"

Personally I dislike the system "every day Monday" work schedules, In fact if I recall correctly this actually violates MLC regulations specifically the part on the clause "every seafarers should have at least one whole day rest" . Besides that , I had a previous experience before on a ship that practices this and it turns out to be a very uncomfortable experience - workwise. As for the fools who think that there will be overtime pay for it , then they should know better that it doesn’t mean that we will be working more, means also that they are also (principal and company) paying more. The fools didn’t realize that the clause and part of the contract that states "Guaranteed Overtime Pay" (G.O.T. for short) , which meant that they could let us work on a certain amount of extend time, Whether that certain amount of time is used up or not , Company will pay for it.  Its very similar to the policy "I'd pay you a little extra for an unlimited amount of overtime work".

Anyway just to avoid disagreements , I shall remain to keep my mouth shut and whatever my thoughts , feeling and opinions on a certain situation, it is best it would just be inside my head and It would be best on this ship that I have to keep my mouth shut at all times., Those fools ! They have no idea on what will happen if the "every day Monday" get established here.

My General impression of this principal get soiled as time goes by ., Their work policies get fouler and fouler each day I stay here , and as far as I'm concerned they have already violated the rules on cash advance. I had been here for more than two months now and going on to three months by January 15th and yet they haven't made any single step or effort to pay onboard wages. On this hardship situations it makes me think that I should have stayed on my previous principal TCC and that I just simply swapped an even worse principal than my previous one.

As far as I'm concerned this is my first and last contract on this so called "Hunter" principal of OSM., I'm better off being in TCC than this, Just finishing this contract and I'm out of here for good.

In other news

Id stop drinking cola for now because caffeine worsen my anxiety
Due to security concerns, and probably my paranoia that someone here on this ship might one day violate my privacy and read this journal, I have now put a password protection to keep it safe. Like I said always that’s my situation right now, I cannot risk my own personal safety especially to the likes of this people onboard., I don’t want to regret that one day I would say to myself "I should have put on a password protected journal" . So for my assurance this section of my journal cannot be accessed without a password from my computer.

In relation to this O.S. Dalida just recently uncovered my "hentai" collection on the hard drive he borrowed from me. For now I have to hide those files for security reasons in fear that they might be used against me , or in my case O.S. dalida might suspect that I'm not exactly trusting him 100 percent. As what I mentioned on my previous post that its dangerous to be too trusting to people here onboard, especially if its known that most if not all of them a bunch of gossipers who leak information every now and themn . 

I had to assure that these files will not be used against me , or be used as ammo by my enemies against me. 

In other news

O.S. Dalida said during his visit on my cabin , that Pump man Carnaje is showing signs of change and based on his observation has become "nicer" . I said to O.S. Dalida that it might just a façade for something. I added that as far as I know a person who's been a dick for the past 20 years will not change overnight. The only possible explanation to his observation are only two possible scenarios.

Scenario one is that he may be planning (or plotting) something big, I cannot tell what is his intention but he may be planning something and for now could not just simply figure it out.

Scenario two is that he may be laying low for a while given that at the moment , the superintendent is here onboard conducting his job, any disturbance or aggression made on his behalf will definitely reflect badly on him ., So to avoid this ,. He decided to be "off the radar" for a while until the superintendent disembarks, after that he's going to resume to his old habits of being a cancer to society  .

One thing I learned in all these years as a Filipino seafarer is that "there can be no action , if there is no cause" ., and that he's sudden change of behavior is no coincidence. There's always an overall reason to it. And lastly the thing I learned as a seafarer is NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN., because if you do - you'd definitely regrets it and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY.