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Wednesday, December 25, 2019


As the hours tick by on Christmas eve, December 2019. The familiar dress up photos and Christmas dinner I had been doing yearly commenced, Such celebrations had been tradition for years and some of it have even taken place during times on ships that had I enemies with(or people im at war with) . But as hours went by , it was etched on my face that my situation could not be won.,

It is imminent, that this work "tour" would be a disaster for me later on and that I had to be calm and keep a façade all the time just to avoid any more trouble. Across the workplace, it was always a cat and mouse kind of scenario. Pump man Carnaje would become the cat and I the mouse. Always dodging and avoiding , and if often times unavoidable and no options available - I just simply ignore him as if he wasn’t there. It was always a tense presence whenever he is around.

Aside from having Enemies around., My stay here is complicated on the fact that  working policies here are very limiting and that crew welfare policies is not suitable. For the first time ever I think it will be a possibility that I will go empty handed when I return back to the Philippines. Main culprit to this is there is the "No Cash advance" policy here of any kind.