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Wednesday, February 19, 2020


It's been seven days since my last log, took quite a few days to have me log back probably because my emotions have been more stable and perhaps some part of it may be due to lack of time. Anyway I'd start ….

It has been my suspicion that the whole news of me wanting to go home early have already spread even on the engine crew , (No thanks to that backstabbing gossiper O.S. Dalida) because I was asked by one of the oiler's on what is the reason that I intend to pass an E.V.L. , I simply just gave him a makeup reason that the income here is unsatisfactory and I have to go back to the "Other" principal.  In any case I should have known not to trust him (O.S. Dalida) its was a very big mistake in doing so and that I should have gone "solo" on my problems ., Good thing I didn't reveal all the plans I had up ahead . Anything that he knows is basically none essential information and I have already stopped giving details of any other things

Officially I haven't submitted yet my EVL ., and that I'm still waiting for A.B. "Noel" to make a move so I can hitch with they're request to make it more valid. Up to now I'm still waiting for news on them since Noel hesitates in making one. From what I heard here , the policy of OSM is to make the request earlier than the usual one month notice on other companies and that its implied that it should be at least two months. Given that if that’s the rule , then I have to submit it somewhere in March.

On my best bet if this is the situation then I'd have to submit it either via 7th  of march or 14th of March. I could submit it now , but I'm still thinking that I have to wait until "Merk" is gotten rid of first for more efficiency on my EVL. Somehow (and a fact) I distrust a fellow Filipino as a seafarer especially Filipino Senior ship officers.  

In relation to this topic, I have received word from my former co-worker which I chatted via Facebook messenger that TCC is apparently will phase out OSM as it manning agent - meaning that TCC will transfer to a new company somewhere in makati. From what I heard to my former co-worker, "Vanguard" and "Excelsius" ship is scheduled to be sold by October this year. So on my end , I'm feeling a bit down because this principal is my "safe zone" here in OSM and that my possible planned return there will not materialize , if the news were true.

In any case, TCC or not what I can tell is that I cannot stay here on this "Hunter" ships and I'd be better off somewhere (or anywhere) than here, maybe on another principal or another company. I have to think of the possibility that if no other solution applies then I have to result in abandoning OSM as well ., The only question if that possibility happens is where should I go next ?

Monday, February 10, 2020


Never thought that I'd be handling the job of painting again , not at all and it never occurred to me ever since O.S. Dalida made bad rumors against me and told an accusation to Pumpman Carnaje that "I don’t know how to mix paint" . Ever since then my job at that moment was more related to cleaning rather than painting, but to this day I was simply dumb folded (or maybe puzzled) to know that the job order assigned for me was painting. In any case I'm glad id be stretching my hands and fingers again after a long time in painting some "Tiger Marks" on those bollards.

In other news….

From what I heard, A.B. Noel is planning to have an early vacation and the latest news is that there's at least four of us here planning to have it. I suggested to A.B. Noel to submit a "collective" kind of request letter to the captain detailing that four of us request to have an early vacation and in that way , our request could be more valid and thus have less chances of being turned down. He already spoke to fitter about this and I'm still waiting on what time and date will he submit  and if it will be a collective request or maybe a "per person" request letter.

In any case if this plan will not materialize (because I'm not ruling out that A.B. Noel might hesitate ), I have to prepare for a backup plan on my own to submit an E.V.L. by sometime in April. Hopefully if all goes well "Noel" should go for it and make a EVL for all of us four, and finally it's up to this principal for them to approve this . As much as possible I want to get of this as much as possible and don’t plan to stay any longer than necessary.

Another news that I have to write about is that it looks like that OSM management will be making changes on its policy about the payroll, based on the documents they circulated to all of their fleets - it looks like that they're MPO (also known as "Special allotment" colloquially ) will be phased out and replaced with an "online banking" type of system similar to my previous two employers "CF Sharp" and "UPL - Shell" , which is based that monthly wages will be automatically be forwarded to their respective online dollar accounts (in my case BDO Dollar ). It also said on their memo documents that the implementation will be on January 2020 , but as of yet February 2020 there still no sign yet that they have transferred the cumulative wages OSM owe me.

On my end ., Online banking is fine (and if not welcomed) but the problem is that they picked a wrong time for the MPO to be cancelled and that they are scheduled payments that I have to make and without any assurance that my salary will be forwarded it will be a disastrous time for them to implement.

here are the document memos they put up in the crew mess

Thursday, February 6, 2020


O.S. dalida is starting to get on to my nerve' s by ratting out some information that I considered private and confidential. Such example is my plan for early vacation leave which annoyed me a lot when he mentioned it in front of everyone and even in front of Pumpman Carnaje. I intend to keep this information on a hush silent basis but turns out because of Dalida's ratting habit, it now became public knowledge. This really will hurt his image on my perception and that O.S. dalida is not a trustworthy person whom I should talk about confidential and private information, as a result of I would be very careful in mentioning details now and other private information I know of. Its best I keep my mouth shut and do not mention anything that I knew.

It maybe the year of the rat on Chinese new year but what I hate the most are that kind of people. If I wasn’t into trouble and my predicament was severe , I would not have sought an agreement with him in the first place and it was a big mistake that I did so , I really hate making an alliance on a person who betray his allies. He's trustworthy as a weasel.

As retaliation , I will make actions against him - but will be done in a "cloak and dagger" style. A retaliation that will be in Secrecy. If there will be done changes on my behavior (and restrictions) it should be subtle in order not to raise suspicion. 

Like I said earlier on my blog entries, I should trust no one here and that I'm all alone and surrounded by enemies. I better make every move I made to be precise and silent .

In any case although it is relatively bad that my "Early Vacation Leave"  went public. It has its uses after all , and discovered that there at least two more crewmate whom had plans for an "Early Vacation Leave" as well. Namely A.B. "Noel" and "Fitter". All I had to do is ask to join them to make our request more valid and bingo ! E.V.L. could be approved and as what they say "The more the merrier"

Sunday, February 2, 2020


As much as I wanted to share any technical knowledge on computers and help people around here, in the spirit of co-operation. Sadly I will have to refrain from doing so and keep such knowledge a secret and deny the existence of it, this  may sound cruel and greedy, but I have to take proper precautions and in some extent harsh action given on my circumstances. I think it's only logical for any person to refuse helping people who are in some ways helping the enemy or in any way sympathetic to them or in any person whom I might deem as a threat to my safety and security. 

So it means I won't be sharing the contents of my Hard drive (multimedia entertainments) , Video game installers, and any other software / hardware I had to the rest of the crew here. This of course is not limited to that , even things that might help them (any hardware) that I have unfortunately will also be "Sanctioned" . (not sure if this is the correct term). 

As far as I can tell people here only approach me when they needed something,  after that they won't even bother to help me out even if I asked for help, Definitely the "garbage" type of people.

In other matters …

Aside from "sanctions" , I lately chatted with one of my college friends on Facebook and had a conversation about my situation here. The subjects that we chatted about is that he asked if I'm going to file a "Onboard Complaint" report., I said I would love to but I would hesitate to submit one if it will be done onboard this ship due to fear of my safety and security, which is not a guarantee here. After a short conversation with my old college friend , I learned from him that the "Onboard Complaint" report can be filed AFTER MY CONTRACT IS FINSIHED ON THIS SHIP, meaning I can file and submit this if I'm already in the Philippines where my safety and security is already guaranteed. In other words "Onboard complaint" form does not only work while I'm on a ship and is not only limited to that.

The moment my friend said that , my whole face lighten up from a grim look to a more hopeful optimistic one . Meaning that I still have perhaps a chance to have justice (or maybe revenge) on all that bullying and harassment I had been enduring on this ship., I can never forgive those people who caused me torment and that I have strong beliefs that no seaman should ever suffer that kind of emotional stress from all that bullying and harassment and physical harm that I had sustained on this ship.

This may be called "revenge" on some extent , people can call it whatever they want and I won't blame them. What matters is I cannot let the person slip away who have done me wrong, I am fighting for my rights - My right to exist ! Every word said , every letter ,  every will and effort I made to survive here is a declaration of my anger and that no enemy can deny my will and no cause too great for my struggle and endeavor that I will not rise to meet it

The Office will know If I cannot move heaven and earth to achieve justice , then I shall raise hell

The conversation with my college friend lit a fire inside me , That I have a sense of purpose and should not be drowning in despair and more importantly a resolve. That I can and must get out of this ship and exact retribution to those people.

I am looking forward on the day that I get out of this ship and report back to the office and file a report. For now I'm not going to tell a soul on this ship about my plans, I have to ensure secrecy and that there will be no leakage of information of any kind. Its best I keep it that way and I'm pretty good in keeping secrets . If rumors or suspicions arise about this , I will just simply deny it and let them think that they are winning and I have been reduced to a near pathetic state

Good thing there's a burger laying around somewhere in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure the owner of this will be fine without it
oh by the way, If you want me to starve to death , you should have rather left me for dead on some desolate planet hehehhe So Fuck you hunter saga ! hehehe


Now that it has been confirmed that "merk" will disembark and be replaced sometime either mid or late February. I can only giggle perhaps in excitement that one of my thorns on my neck will be removed , and much to my delight as well, Perhaps Pump man's arrogance will be considerably be trimmed down, without the protection of his beloved "chief officer" he'd think twice before even starting trouble,. Truthfully I never liked having a Filipino chief officer in the first place, as far as what have I experience as a seafarer - Filipino senior ship officers usually are a disaster and most of the time only bring trouble.

The thought of "Merk" being out of my way brings me joy.

However despite my delight and excitement on this news, it still bring troubles on my end on the part that most of the job orders (work orders) I do come from him, and without him means no job orders. And no job orders means I'm a sitting duck doing nothing because there's no work around and would get me easily targeted and reported to have me fired. I have to think of a way of how to solve this before time runs out for me - I have to start thinking long term , at least until May to have someone issuing me job orders for work.

Anyway I have to write down what happened on the loading operation in Saudi Arabia.

In the morning on 5am , I usually go to the bridge and get job orders from "Merk" and when I got there, "Merk" just said the ship will "go berthing". I didn’t ask any furthermore question because I knew what it meant. I called in to O.S. Dalia at about 7.30 to confirm some details about the berthing and it seemed that he's more well informed on what are the specific time schedules compared to me , and he withheld those information. In any case I learned from him that pilot will be boarding at around 10am and we will have to go outside on work at the usual 8am schedule to do some preparation equipment.

10am came and I was waiting for someone to inform me that we will have to standby on the designated area for the arrival of the pilot via helicopter. To my dismay nobody informed me , like they have an intent to sabotage, or basically the crew intent to leave me out, hmpf !!! So much for the said "TEAM WORK" . No thanks to those bunch of jack ass Filipino crewmates - What a total dick ! . Good thing O.S. dalida had a hunch and told me that we should now go to the helipad marking on the right side of the ship. Turns out O.S. Dalida's hunch were correct and we are the last ones to arrive on the area. Good thing out of stroke of luck the pilot decided not to board using the helicopter and instead be boarding via tugboat (as said by the bridge). So I was saved by luck …

I went on the usual prep for the pilot boarding via gangway ladder , and when the pilot boarded he immediately went to the bridge. After that I proceeded on the forward mooring area and there helped out on the mooring (Mooring is SBM type , Single Bouy Mooring)., There was a minor delayed on the mooring on the part that the ship was a few meters shy away on the buoy and they had to readjust and move the ship a little - after that the ship was moored on the lines by the buoy.

Everything went out on the usual on this loading operation and there was no anything to write about it ., This ship casted off in two days' time after the cargo loading was completed and will be heading back in the pacific to discharge somewhere in china.

After long years of service , I am finally retiring this equipment and will be finding a new replacement by this year .