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Sunday, February 2, 2020


Now that it has been confirmed that "merk" will disembark and be replaced sometime either mid or late February. I can only giggle perhaps in excitement that one of my thorns on my neck will be removed , and much to my delight as well, Perhaps Pump man's arrogance will be considerably be trimmed down, without the protection of his beloved "chief officer" he'd think twice before even starting trouble,. Truthfully I never liked having a Filipino chief officer in the first place, as far as what have I experience as a seafarer - Filipino senior ship officers usually are a disaster and most of the time only bring trouble.

The thought of "Merk" being out of my way brings me joy.

However despite my delight and excitement on this news, it still bring troubles on my end on the part that most of the job orders (work orders) I do come from him, and without him means no job orders. And no job orders means I'm a sitting duck doing nothing because there's no work around and would get me easily targeted and reported to have me fired. I have to think of a way of how to solve this before time runs out for me - I have to start thinking long term , at least until May to have someone issuing me job orders for work.

Anyway I have to write down what happened on the loading operation in Saudi Arabia.

In the morning on 5am , I usually go to the bridge and get job orders from "Merk" and when I got there, "Merk" just said the ship will "go berthing". I didn’t ask any furthermore question because I knew what it meant. I called in to O.S. Dalia at about 7.30 to confirm some details about the berthing and it seemed that he's more well informed on what are the specific time schedules compared to me , and he withheld those information. In any case I learned from him that pilot will be boarding at around 10am and we will have to go outside on work at the usual 8am schedule to do some preparation equipment.

10am came and I was waiting for someone to inform me that we will have to standby on the designated area for the arrival of the pilot via helicopter. To my dismay nobody informed me , like they have an intent to sabotage, or basically the crew intent to leave me out, hmpf !!! So much for the said "TEAM WORK" . No thanks to those bunch of jack ass Filipino crewmates - What a total dick ! . Good thing O.S. dalida had a hunch and told me that we should now go to the helipad marking on the right side of the ship. Turns out O.S. Dalida's hunch were correct and we are the last ones to arrive on the area. Good thing out of stroke of luck the pilot decided not to board using the helicopter and instead be boarding via tugboat (as said by the bridge). So I was saved by luck …

I went on the usual prep for the pilot boarding via gangway ladder , and when the pilot boarded he immediately went to the bridge. After that I proceeded on the forward mooring area and there helped out on the mooring (Mooring is SBM type , Single Bouy Mooring)., There was a minor delayed on the mooring on the part that the ship was a few meters shy away on the buoy and they had to readjust and move the ship a little - after that the ship was moored on the lines by the buoy.

Everything went out on the usual on this loading operation and there was no anything to write about it ., This ship casted off in two days' time after the cargo loading was completed and will be heading back in the pacific to discharge somewhere in china.

After long years of service , I am finally retiring this equipment and will be finding a new replacement by this year .