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Sunday, February 2, 2020


As much as I wanted to share any technical knowledge on computers and help people around here, in the spirit of co-operation. Sadly I will have to refrain from doing so and keep such knowledge a secret and deny the existence of it, this  may sound cruel and greedy, but I have to take proper precautions and in some extent harsh action given on my circumstances. I think it's only logical for any person to refuse helping people who are in some ways helping the enemy or in any way sympathetic to them or in any person whom I might deem as a threat to my safety and security. 

So it means I won't be sharing the contents of my Hard drive (multimedia entertainments) , Video game installers, and any other software / hardware I had to the rest of the crew here. This of course is not limited to that , even things that might help them (any hardware) that I have unfortunately will also be "Sanctioned" . (not sure if this is the correct term). 

As far as I can tell people here only approach me when they needed something,  after that they won't even bother to help me out even if I asked for help, Definitely the "garbage" type of people.

In other matters …

Aside from "sanctions" , I lately chatted with one of my college friends on Facebook and had a conversation about my situation here. The subjects that we chatted about is that he asked if I'm going to file a "Onboard Complaint" report., I said I would love to but I would hesitate to submit one if it will be done onboard this ship due to fear of my safety and security, which is not a guarantee here. After a short conversation with my old college friend , I learned from him that the "Onboard Complaint" report can be filed AFTER MY CONTRACT IS FINSIHED ON THIS SHIP, meaning I can file and submit this if I'm already in the Philippines where my safety and security is already guaranteed. In other words "Onboard complaint" form does not only work while I'm on a ship and is not only limited to that.

The moment my friend said that , my whole face lighten up from a grim look to a more hopeful optimistic one . Meaning that I still have perhaps a chance to have justice (or maybe revenge) on all that bullying and harassment I had been enduring on this ship., I can never forgive those people who caused me torment and that I have strong beliefs that no seaman should ever suffer that kind of emotional stress from all that bullying and harassment and physical harm that I had sustained on this ship.

This may be called "revenge" on some extent , people can call it whatever they want and I won't blame them. What matters is I cannot let the person slip away who have done me wrong, I am fighting for my rights - My right to exist ! Every word said , every letter ,  every will and effort I made to survive here is a declaration of my anger and that no enemy can deny my will and no cause too great for my struggle and endeavor that I will not rise to meet it

The Office will know If I cannot move heaven and earth to achieve justice , then I shall raise hell

The conversation with my college friend lit a fire inside me , That I have a sense of purpose and should not be drowning in despair and more importantly a resolve. That I can and must get out of this ship and exact retribution to those people.

I am looking forward on the day that I get out of this ship and report back to the office and file a report. For now I'm not going to tell a soul on this ship about my plans, I have to ensure secrecy and that there will be no leakage of information of any kind. Its best I keep it that way and I'm pretty good in keeping secrets . If rumors or suspicions arise about this , I will just simply deny it and let them think that they are winning and I have been reduced to a near pathetic state

Good thing there's a burger laying around somewhere in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure the owner of this will be fine without it
oh by the way, If you want me to starve to death , you should have rather left me for dead on some desolate planet hehehhe So Fuck you hunter saga ! hehehe