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Monday, April 13, 2020


Quarantine in almost all countries on the world still rages on to starve out the corona virus pandemic. While countries are struggling to combat this , most people in the world are stranded on their homes and their workplace due to almost worldwide lockdown , and on my case since I'm a seafarer - I'm stranded on my workplace as well. In addition there has been some reports on the social media that Filipino seafarers are being discriminated back in our own home country , some dormitories, hotels , condominiums and even motel and apartments refuse board and lodging to Filipino seafarers because they fear that seafarers are carriers of the COVID 19 Virus. One video I saw in Facebook was one resident of a condominium was publicly harassing Seafarers on a  passenger ship and yelling that "they are a pest and should not be allowed to enter the building"  

Although in a technical sense , this workplace may be the safest round environment against a pandemic - it is out of irony , one of the most stressful and unsafe when it comes to mental health. In any case , My situation being stranded here is really a burden for me than an advantage and there is nothing much I can do about it . I'm really eager to be off on this ship as soon as lockdown is lifted in the Philippines. Although I myself will be in a dilemma since folks back home don’t want us to return .

Situation here in this ship is a big letdown , when my expectations doesn’t materialize. Why ?? Imagine having no Payout salary onboard for 6 months now (and still ongoing), and no shore leave (essentially trapped and locked down) , and even the "Private Orders" for items are cancelled. The more I think about this disappointments on this principal  , the more I remember the good times with my previous principal which has better treatment . (the more my urges desires to return to my previous employer, for better treatment) I'm not saying that TCC is a good principal , In fact TCC is another kind of fuck up company however at least in there I have a better chance of something rather than here.

What happened here on this working contract is that I just basically swapped my bad employer to something even far worse.

In other news …

I might be phasing out (or retire) the use of my "Military Water Canteen" type of equipment and be shifting to a more light weight type which can carry more water. The reason why I had to shift from the model I had been using for the past five years was because of weight luggage constraints at the airport. (Seafarers are only limited to two sets of check in luggage ,each with a 20 kilogram limitation). From what I really the "Military Type" water canteen weighs at least near a kilogram. 

I'm also considering the possibility that I could at least salvage some parts of my working belt and not wholly throw it away after this ship assignment. I checked thoroughly and perhaps the main belt can be possibly salvaged aside from the Leg Rig, as I checked it has only a little dirt and almost little degration - making it at least suitable to used for another ship contract perhaps, . I'm thinking that maybe I could bring it back home just to save money on the cost of almost buying a new one each year (or each ship contract). Maybe I'd just put those in the washing machine before I store them back to my luggage.  

Another thing that I'd be making changes (or probably still greatly "under consideration") is transfer of the Microsoft OneNote , and other office apps to the android platform. In other words , I'm planning or thinking that I might be phasing out a windows based tablet computer . although Up to now  I'm still heavily considering the possibilities of using an android tablet as the main computer for those kinds of functions .

Android Tablet / Phone ----> specialized apps (for banking , social media , GPS Maps  , and can also handle phone calls and send / received text SMS message plus email . Practically almost an all in one Gadget for office / work type plus internet.

PROBLEM ?? Limited storage capacity, scope of usability beyond "specialization" app,  easily gets obsolete

Windows Tablet / Computer ----> General purpose computer, can be used offline, can access internet and social media, Better battery capacity and computing output

PROBLEM ?? Limited storage capacity , Bulky equipment, weight issues on luggage , Problem with data synchronization

In any case I'm still greatly thinking on what possibilities , I can use for my line of work and currently undergoing some trial and error process and a series of experiments which is suited best . It really depends on the practicality of use,

In other matters relating to what's going on in the work place ….

There has been a ruckus lately last Sunday . Apparently O.S. Dalida has outdone himself in bothering people again on this ship. This time he makes a lot of noise on his cabin to the point that its bothering people in the B deck area. One crew member (O.S. "Alvin" ) got fed up on his annoyance that he took matters in his own hands and went thru O.S. Dalida's cabin and smacked his face , In return O.S. Dalida fought back and things got messy , to the point that both of them got the attention of the whole crew residing in B - Deck area along with the rest of officers residing in C and D Deck as well. From what i heard both of them have been summoned after the incident to the captains office and from there I assumed the captain filed some sort of crew report.

I don’t know the exact details on what happened and only heard what happened in the morning, however I suspected something was already going on the afternoon when I went outside my cabin to wash some clothes to the laundry room, and when I was about to get back - I saw O.S. Dalida's luggage bag inside one of the spare rooms in upper deck area (which is exactly the right next to my room). At first I figured that this ship might be expecting some visitors probably an inspector or a superintendent perhaps and they wanted O.S. Dalida to be out of his cabin so the guest can use it. My suspicions was wrong when I heard to other crew members in the morning that the reason O.S. Dalida moved out of his cabin was because of the common.

In any case , I wont take sides on whatever grudges they have against each other, and wont let myself be plagued with these trivial things because I roughly got only two months left before my contract finishes and get the hell out of here, Besides I knew better that both of them have problems when it comes to their manner's. Alvin being aggressive and too dominating to other people (co-workers) , and Dalida on the other hand being a dick and an asshole in general when it comes to on and off work.  Frankly Dalida got what he deserve for being an annoyance and a scumbag , especially on his exploits disturbing and annoying people during off work.  Same goes also to Alvin , getting on what he deserves for taking matters in his own hands and being dumb in not seeing the consequences in his actions. 

As far as possible I'd try to stay out of trouble and the ruckus they made was a good diversion , Now all eyes of the crew are in both of these people and I'd stay hidden and unnoticed.
"Military Water canteen Type" which i will be retiring this year and be replaced with a new light weight type 
The new type of water canteen i will use by next year (or next contract)