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Tuesday, April 7, 2020


After months of figuring out on how to bypass the internet firewall of this ship, I have now finally came up with a solution and progress. TOR browser which is mainly used by activist (and in some cases espionage activities) can be used here onboard as well.  The trials I had made using this web browser were a success and I can now browse internet site that up to now is blocked by this ship's firewall.

Although its successful it is still limited to browse websites and cannot do online transactions like buying digital video games as of the moment , (probably because of the "cookies" thing when it comes to login). In any case it's still a big help that I can access website that are "censored" on ships internet connection.

Of course as a precaution, I will not tell anyone on the crew about this and will keep this secret only to myself - as I have trust issues with them. Besides that this information / knowledge should not be shared with people like them who rat out they're fellow crewmates. Best keep it only to myself and inside my head.

TOR Browser is very similar to Firefox Mozilla browser when it comes to function with few notable exemptions of course. I highly recommend TOR Browser to seafarers who have problems accessing websites on their ships Internet connection due to firewall.

In other news ….

While news about my disembarkation is still nowhere to be heard of., I'm already spending my time preparing for the items (and equipment) I will get to use next year. In fact I'm already prepared a list and this time the provider for the item I will buy online will not be LAZADA but its competitor company called "Shoppee" . Hopefully the product they sell their have a better quality than the near "China Made" quality Lazada markets.

I have nothing against lazada but lately , they opened their business to Chinese suppliers which by accident led some of their products selling to have a lower quality. Some of their product they were selling were even defective as well.