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Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Great News !! I had finally got a haircut after almost half a year, No thanks to Deck Cadet who volunteered to cut my hair . Now its bye bye to that itchy feeling on the ears and that Thermal discomfort plaguing me often when the hair traps heats . 

Now the Bad News !! - I don’t like the hairstyle , It was just basically look like a Slim trimmed style like an afro thing, (I actually looked like an Afro, really). Anyway hopefully it wont get notice in the next 62 days, besides "The End justifies the Means" , As long that itchy feeling Stops and I'm thermally cool in the head (or at the very least thermal heat is lessen) then I should be fine in this haircut. Aside from that it has also a perks of letting me see better and I don’t have to attend to my hair often just to clear my view. 

This haircut should be enough for me till I reach home 62 days later - by that time this haircut style has already outgrown and can be fixed back in the philippines.   

In other news …. 

For now I'm still testing and experimenting on this so called Microsoft OneNote program (not desktop edition) and see if its online cloud meets my expectation. Of course MS OneNote is not totally free and without any "Paid subscription" ., there will be limitations on how I can use it - which right now I'm still testing it to see on how far a Free a account can get. I think from what I read on the internet , Microsoft OneNote "free version" is only limited to atleast about a hundred entries before some message pops up a saying you need to subscribe to a Paid subscription of 69 U.S. dollars per year. Obviously I haven't reached a hundred entries yet so far so its still yet to be verified.  

As of the moment I can worry about that thing later , and focus on testing this online version of MS OneNote and use it more like an "online sketchpad". I still have an "offline" version of this MS OneNote and I could just simply copy paste the final write up before publishing it on my Blog.  

To mention one notable downside of having a cloud based app like MS OneNote , is that it requires to be constantly online and connected to the internet all the times just to back up files and sync. If a person (such as myself) works on a remote area and there's not much bandwidth to go around, then its better to be shifting to an offline desktop version instead.   

In other news ..

I had been doing some Internet "window" shopping lately and looking for some latest updates on some working equipment id be needing for the next ship assignment . I'm still lining them up on my wish list and guess be later be bought when I arrived in the philippines