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Monday, December 8, 2014


Rumour and intrigue keep coming up around. Guess that any ship with a Filipino crew will definitely have these and from my point of view I haven't encountered any ship without it. For the moment the main news running around CONTI Greenland is about the upcoming disembarkation of me and mess man montoya, a lot of speculation that both of us might disembark in Gibraltar or in Rotterdam Netherlands.

Earlier it was thought that the crew change will be in  Gibraltar, given that this ship will received another set of "irregular" crew members for the soon to be retro fitting of this ship, but now it seems that speculation has moved it to be in Rotterdam. From what I heard arrival in Netherlands will be in December 5th this is only on the arrival part and doesn’t include the time of anchorage and actual time we get off on this ship and into the airplane. My rough estimate is probably by second week of December me and mess man montoya will be in the Philippines

Speaking of which, I had no idea why Mess man Montoya is in such a hurry to get off in this ship - not exactly sure in his ulterior motive. In addition Mess man Montoya speculates that captain kolev has something to do about the cancellation of disembarkation in Gibraltar, I don’t exactly know if that’s true since this is purely speculation

By the way I had no idea on the matters regarding the soon retrofitting since this is mostly an "Engine" department business. For us deck department , these set of irregular crew will be staying at the Suez cabin for the duration of the work and the rest will be staying on some extra rooms on the accommodation.

In other matters …..

Bosun Payopay seems to be unhappy lately, cant figured out why but I speculate that this might be something to do on my upcoming disembarkation on this ship, probably because Bosun payopay is part of the batch that should be included to disembark in Rotterdam. Due to him being left out this and being omitted from the crew change request this has caused a rift and friction between mess man montoya and Bosun Payopay and eventually putting up intrigue on each other, He seems to be pretty quiet lately about this matter , No idea what goes on his mind though.

If I would asked on what would be my opinion on this matter, I say I wouldn’t sent a crew change request letter and my contract run along on its course - I'd wait for NSB to send me a notice informing me to disembark . Unfortunately of course messman montoya sent a crew change request pre-emptively and hasten our disembarkation

Anyway despite my opinion - it would be best I keep my mouth shut and choose my words carefully, Being on-board a ship isn't exactly the same as it in back land where a person can freely speak out . The environment here is way different and very similar to conditions to that in a prison - minus only the violence and killing, you cannot in anyway put a trust on any person on any information or comments whatsoever. If I had something in mind , its best I think twice before opening my mouth and always speak in neutral comments and decisions.

In other news …

Had already finished packing up my things, wasn't really that of a hassle rolling everything up on my luggage - most of my stuff anyway is still packed from the day I arrived here 5 months ago. For the record this ship is the shortest I had worked since my job began , if my estimate is correct that id disembark on 2nd week of December , my stay here is just 5 months and 10 days- assuming that I disembark this december.

Anyway I'm fine with that duration, and let it end that way. I had no quarrel with anyone and didn't do anything stupid plus I'm not stressed out in anyway on work. Working relations here stable and co-workers here pose little threat at all compared to my previous ship CAPE TALLIN.

Currently I'm busy cleaning my cabin in preparation for my soon disembarkation.

News on work …..

Soon after this ship was finished on Libya, were doing what we do best in maintenance. Chipping , polishing , painting and usual stuff like any ordinary rank and file employee in maintenance would do.

On Saturday November 29, 2014 we opened up two fuel oil tanks located on the ship to "Gas free"  it (meaning ventilate) . It's a usual procedure for any tanker ship to remove all toxic fumes and vapours on any enclosed area, so that maintenance workers who would go there won't drop dead from suffocation or poisoning. Anyway not my problem since deck department here will not be involve in the retro fitting of this ship, the 5 new crew members arriving in Gibraltar will be the one's doing all the manual labour.

At about 10:30 am, we had an oil spill drill. Pretty boring stuff and did what my usual task of carrying some "anti-oil pollution" equipment like a shovel and a few mops. After the drill we proceeded to the crew mess for monthly "safety meeting" which only discussed the already known 5 new crew members and crew change.

Soon after that Bosun Payopay , me and O.S. tan went to finish the work on the portable vent machine to ventilate the Fuel oil tanks, everything was going along fine until Captain Kolev arrived and meddled with Bosun Payopay decision on where to place the vent machine. As a result the inlet water that powers the machine burst and let out a fountain of salt water, Soaking Bosun Payopay , O.S. Tan and Captain Kolev in the process. Me I managed to stay dry by hiding behind the Vent machine and immediately shutting off the fire hydrant (vent machine is powered by the fire hydrant, no electricity needed). Can't really paint on the look on Bosun Payopay's face and Captain Kolev , They were obviously caught surprise by the accident. Good thing I was wearing a face mask, so they didn’t notice the smirk on my face, Anyway serves Captain Kolev right for meddling on work and he got what he deserved hehehhe ;)

After that the rest of Saturday and Sunday was free time and rest. Personally I liked the idea that Saturdays are half day work and Sundays are totally rest compared to some ships in Career Ship management and CSM have a more cruel and less humanitarian approach. From what I heard on O.S. Tan tales some ships like for example Cape Tampa and such have no rest days at all and crew there work non-stop from Sundays to Saturdays and work from 6am till 6pm , and they only give you roughly 130 hours of overtime work pay for it. 130 hours only ??? What the hell ?!!!

Count that on how many Saturdays and Sundays there are in a month plus calculate the 12 hour long work every single day and working hours will logically exceed the 130 hours - any person can logically figure it out that, however CSM only pays you 130 hours and it violates a standard ILO / STCW conventions about working and rest hours. To simply say the soviet system of working standards is cruel, repressive and totally unfair for any normal individual who has brains to question the working practices by CSM.

Anyway for the time being let's hope that my next ship will not be that bad , landing on a nice ship is only by chance and luck.