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Monday, December 8, 2014


Marsa el brega - where the fuck is that place exactly huh ? I know its somewhere in Europe and take's a couple of days east from Barcelona, Spain but where the hell is that specifically on the map ? I assumed it might be somewhere again in eastern Europe as we had adjusted the ships clock by one hour advance - but on what country its located is still I have to find out.

Anyway there's been some news lately about this voyage (marsa el brega to Rotterdam), not exactly general news but news about my possible disembarkation (along with bosun payopay and messman montoya). Its only plausible that my batch would disembark in Rotterdam Netherlands after the loading operation in this Marsa el brega, given that it’s a convenient port.

Don’t really mind getting off on this ship, but problem is my finances. I haven't exactly fully recovered yet on the money part and would at needed at least a month more to get some little extra for my money, anyway as if I got any other choice at all, but there's no need for me to panic or be tense - after all they haven't brought down yet the names on who will be our replacements, what is definite is that this ship is going on Rotterdam.

On Sunday November 23, 2014 in the afternoon, we had a barbecue party. Helped out in setting up the tables, barbecue grill and the like. When it started at around 4pm. Everything was going fine until his lordship Captain Kolev saw me having a camera and taking pictures. He called me and ordered that I had those pictures be deleted, Fine by me - problem is what followed after. As usual 3rd engineer Jerry Aguila Gonzales started preaching again like some sort of righteous Infallible pope, Criticizes me about the rule in which no cameras are allowed during barbecue parties, heck and that’s not all - it didn't stop only on that. Preaching even dragged to the part that I'm being lectured on the civilian clothes I'm wearing along with the design of my working coveralls specifically me wearing a full facemask. I don’t really see the point of this being discussed and so definitely way off the topic and has no relation at all in me having a camera around.

There's so much bitching around on the grill party that I lost my mood and left early without saying goodbye - just took off and hid on my cabin. Besides there's no point in me staying that long if I'm not enjoying something especially if there's a "helicopter" hovering and bitching me around.

Anyway I don’t exactly understand why Soviet Ship officer's here are afraid of those pictures coming up - for Filipino standards it's no big deal , Apparently from what I heard they will get some nasty reprisal from CSM if ever one of the photos will surface on the internet.

The Following day

We resumed on the usual maintenance work , this time washing the whole deck area including the accommodation bloc with sea water. Everything was doing fine until I heard from BOSUN Payopay that maintenance work is only up to 3pm, I asked BOSUN Payopay on why it's only 3 / 4 of a day. He said that he has no idea, My co-workers O.S. Vicent tan said that he overheard that it might be that this ship might drop anchor. Whatever the case regular maintenance work isn't going to be interrupted if it weren't for something.

Aside from washing the whole deck area. Me and Bosun payopay was ordered by our lovely soviet captain from hell to hid 3 card board boxes of full cigarette on the aft peak ballast. Seriously I find "hiding stuff away from the bonds store to  the ballast" scheme a so waste of time and total unnecessary, I don’t think that Libyans (heard from messman that were going to Libya) are a  bunch of thieves. They may have some difficult times but they're no "Dorobo" . Anyway who am I  to have these such opinions ? My task is only to hid these items , doesn’t matter on how twisted our soviet captain thinks - only matters is that we get the job done.

3pm came by and turns out that after the coffee break , This ship went on "berthing upon arrival scenario" . Not a very appealing to our approach considering that most of the crew are all dead beat tired from maintenance work and they never informed us that this would be the scenario. Sadly our lovely communist captain never bothered to inform us sooner about this and would result in us going to work straight till 8pm and missing out dinner. This would seriously took a toll on my upcoming work shift by midnight - I had no rest and proper sleep - no thanks to that mother loving commie bastard.

Soon after the mooring ops and after preparing the necessary equipment , I went straight ahead in the crew mess to get some grub. While eating I overheard  from our "soviet captain from hell" talking to BOSUN payopay that he'd disembark when this ship will transit in Gibraltar area for bunkering, So basically its confirmed that he'd be going home soon after few days. - No such mention of me and messman montoya on which date will we both disembark on this ship.  Messman Montoya overheard the conversation on the crew mess as well and was immediately hyped to heard the news, He told me that I should to pack stuff soon as there's a possibility that we too might disembark on the ship unannounced.

In other news…

The effects of exhaustion and sleep deprivation were really affecting me when I began on my work shift in midnight. I was so haggard that a lot of times I immediately feel into a light sleep whenever I close my eyes or remain in one place for a few minutes. Disorientation effects from sleep deprivation was becoming visible, - couldn't concentrate and focus that well , My mind was totally floating and a lot of times I was blabbering nonsense on simple chatter . As soon as I finished my working shift - I immediately crashed to my bed on my cabin and totally skipped breakfast, I'm more tired than hungry.

In the morning much to everyone's disappointment , internet service didn’t arrive. We had been requesting internet for a few days before being here in Libya and yet no such thing arrived at all. There was an offer from the agent when we arrived but turns out the terms aren't really fair and a total rip off of money. Agent says that he only has one Wi-Fi internet modem equipment and that modem can only support three connections out of almost everybody here on this ship that need internet connection.

Guess that Internet connection in Libya will just have to skip and updating of my blog will have to wait a little further.