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Sunday, February 26, 2017


Blog Entry: October 22, 2016 Saturday
Location : Enroute to Fujairah UAE
It's been a week that this ship is adrift in middle of the Indian Ocean, and three weeks since we left the ship yard on Singapore (to be specific 22 days) . There has been no news yet when this ship will be going aside from rough speculation that it might be headed to the middle east to load some cargo,
For the moment these past 22 days have been peaceful and doing the same old routine work of deck maintenance for me such as painting , in some occasions I would help Pump man on his usual work in the Pump room maintenance. Most of the time I'm just left to do work in housekeeping part.
Lately I had been thinking of forming a face book group, something that is very similar to the successful Wiki Leaks website - only it’s a Philippine Maritime Version.  Exactly like a public disclosure / Intelligence Group for Filipino sailors, I had been long thinking about this because of the suppression of freedom of speech and idea's in this sector. Probably because of my recent dissatisfaction on how the way I was treated by UFS "Seaman's Union" over my discrimination complaints against CF Sharp. They said something that my accusations were baseless and that I was just simply a "troublemaker" , they even threaten me when I was just telling the truth - to simply put they were very bias to CF Sharp , despite self-proclaiming themselves as "Seaman's Union" . Anyway it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that I'm making my own group , one that is more transparent and not bias, or even influenced by abusive shipping companies here and its main purpose is to provide helpful information and warn Filipino sailors . Currently I'm still thinking of a name to call this group.
In other news..
Lately I had been experiencing some suspicious "add friends" on my social media account , what more suspicious is that it goes in the same manner that a review agency or company of some sort wants to add me as a friend. Apparently I suspect that this is some form of surveillance of some kind, (likely from whom I made enemies with recently). I suspect this might came from CF Sharp and would be doing "Monitoring" if I posted anything that is against them.  Heck they even "followed" my twitter account, which I blocked the user from ever
Well sorry to disappoint this mother fucker, do they think I'm that stupid ?! Seriously their doing a piss poor job when it comes to monitoring and doing surveillance on employee's, I don’t add people who I don’t know personally on my professional social media accounts. So if they really want to find "dirt" on my accounts then they have to be more creative otherwise their just stalking.
In news related to work
There has now been an update on the voyage travel of this ship - and it doesn’t look pretty. From what I head on Deck Cadet "James" (British National) , the ship will have a loading voyages from Fujairah UAE , then will go to Saudi Arabia and finally somewhere in Pakistan. To sum it up , it’s a middle east voyage.
Based on the weather service online (check google), the weather in the middle east should be a bit cooler now compared to last time this ship was here, like somewhere in the 28 degrees Celsius lowest and highest is around 33 to 35 degrees Celsius (like summer weather in the Philippines) . I do hope the weather forecast is accurate, or else I am doomed again on the hot weather.
Speaking of which , my private water storage in now down 50 percent after a month. Nothing unusual on that part and I have already stocked up water and food supplies for two months , its normal that the remaining is already half however the problem is about replenishing the water. The water filter is still up to now working properly and produces little water, barely enough to fill a liter.