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Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Journal Entry October 02, 2016 Sunday
Location: Somewhere in Singapore.
October 01, 2016 in the morning of 8am, this ship has left sembawang dry docks after almost 2 weeks of ship repair. The ship repairs here on this ship is semi successful, mostly some important repairs that need to made are skipped out or  made on shortcut basis. Such example is the gangway ladder which apparently the pneumatic motor was never repaired , and according to what I heard Chiefmate Sydney Douza refused to have it repaired despite knowing the full importance that it should be in working condition.
Another problem that was ignored was the cargo piping system - pipe there was never replaced, so expect that this ship will be having black oil leaks every now and then on the deck area. Same story on the Winches as well.
The same thing happened also on a lot of things , such as the mid ship cranes and platforms were left unrepaired and in poor condition. Rumour has it and goes on that some senior ranking officials here on this ship got bribed and took the money that was meant for the ship repairs. Of course it’s a rumor and I have no proof on that, and will not even bother to find out. Overall the ship repairs norstar has been bragging about for months was basically just a front, nothing significant was ever achieved and still the ship remains in dilapidated condition. Even the so called "Free Unlimited" internet was just a false advertisement. They had us waiting for months and turns out that it was only limited to 100 MB per crew per month.
The biggest problem of all was also the most basic, clean water. The purifier machine has stopped filtering out clean water, basically no water coming out at all, and it's been three weeks now. It was very cruel of the Myanmar Captain 
This ship was in anchorage for a week after the ship repairs were made, during those times we received a new set of crew. Gone now are the bitchy Myanmar captain, the fatty cruel Indian chief mate Sydney. Although not all people who went away were that bad, there are some good people who had to leave the ship like the Indian electrician and the Myanmar 2nd engineer. I could say personally that they are good people.
The new set of crew this ship received as of the moment seems to be good fellows , but for now I will hold my judgement to them until I had 100 percent verified that they're good people. There are also two new additional crew , a british deck cadet which we call "James" , and a Myanmar Engine Cadet