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Thursday, February 9, 2017


Blog Entry: October 18, 2016 Tuesday
Location : Somewhere Adrift in the Indian Ocean
Its been a few days (or weeks ) now since the social media scandal I got myself into and I'm starting to think that the crew here already knew what I posted in Facebook. I surmise that it might have already reached here on this ship about the incident, I not sure as well if I'm just being paranoid about it - the only thing I could do for now is kept silent and stay calm even if some of the crew are already joking it lightly and made indirect reference about me and the incident.
So what trigger my paranoia again ?! I was already finished helping pump man obina on his work in the pump room in clearing the oil that leaked there and went back to BOSUN Rodrigo in helping put up the anti-piracy razors wires at the deck - everything was doing fine and normal work for about an hour when we suddenly talked about Chief Cook then slowly shifted to me the discussion of the topic and jokingly told by the BOSUN Rodrigo "That because of me and what I posted, he was called recently at the bridge and is now under investigation", then another comment followed by A.B. "Alvin" which didn’t helped saying " It's ok on your posting, all of us here on this ship got dragged in it anyway" .
Those indirect comments sent a chill down on my spine even if it’s a hot day (35 degrees Celsius), and Literary broke out in cold sweat. On my perception, What was those joke's mean anyway ??? Is it just a coincidence or probably they knew something about the incident ? And if so , how did they found out ??? . I just kept silent on the joke, but was obviously bothered - it was not noticeable given that I'm clad heavily by working clothes and equipment from head to foot.
I still continued on my work., though I was silent as a dead man. Silent but my mind was in full throttle of thinking, especially about the term mentioned "Under Investigation" which in Filipino pop culture meant , "Were finding whose fault it was, and point everything on him". I'm not surprise if this is the case and that CF Sharp Ship management is looking out for blood, (Retaliation and Revenge ). Honestly I do know how this story ends and obviously it's not going to end well for me for speaking out against discrimination.