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Sunday, February 26, 2017


Journal Entry: November 04, 2016 Friday
Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ship never stayed long on the Fujairah anchorage in UAE, it only stayed for a day just to do provisioning and bunkering and that’s about it,. Surprisingly the weather in Fujairah now is beautiful and somewhat cooler than my previous visit. Definitely very tolerable weather.
After this ship business is done in Fujairah, it went towards Saudi Arabia for loading of cargo. This ship stayed there for about three to four days before going to a port facility nearby.
The loading operation on Saudi Arabia was real quick , lasted only within at least 12 hours , apparently because only a limited cargo tanks was loaded and not all. During my whole 6 hour long shift , I was very busy being ordered around to check the sounding of the ballast tank. Which meant me having a sounding tape tool all the time.
Immediately after my second shift, The whole process of loading was already completed and went straight ahead on unmooring. The mooring stations have been changed for some of the crew which includes me, Apparently me and Pump Man Obina are now assigned on the forward mooring station and were to assist Bosun Rodrigo and O.S. Mark there , Starting now and onwards.
Earlier I thought Pump Man Obina was just joking around when he said one time "that were supposedly to be shifted to forward mooring station" , I never took his statement seriously and dismissed it as a joke. Now it turns out that it was for real. Never really liked to be in the forward mooring station to begin with, and it's been a while since I was there - The work there is always hectic and more problematic for me in case I needed something compared to being in the aft mooring station. I was reminded of that distaste when BOSUN keeps bitching around and lecturing me on what to do and not to do during both mooring and unmooring time.