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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


November 12, 2018 Monday
Enroute to UAE

"They are not open to new opinions, and that the only opinions that are welcomed are theirs alone (just like shell company) -everything else is blasphemy to their narrow mind"

After a very long wait (and discharging operation ) in Perth, This ship will be finally get moving again and its next destination will be somewhere in the middle east possibly UAE or Saudi Arabia.

During the stay in Perth , I was constantly being pestered by this ships annoying chief mate "Jobert" .  Trying to berate and ridicule me on almost any work. Fucker always complains out loud on almost any work I had done which includes the cleaning areas. I'd be very glad that I'd be getting rid of him when this ship comes to the middle east (since he's already finished contract). That asshole thinks he's high and mighty, just because he's chief mate - pathetic !

One thing why I (and most Filipino sailors) don’t like about Filipino chief mates or captains is that most of them turns out to be douche bags. Like "uwaks" , Filipino senior officers are mostly obnoxious people, and definitely work place bullies. They are exactly opposite of what they are portrayed in posters and TV commercials which they are pictured to be knightly gallant and gentlemen (like sir lancelot) - In reality they looked more like tony soprano and have thuggish manners and behavior, like some sort of mafia low life criminal.

Speaking of replacements , I had heard that the Filipino Chief mate that will be replacing "Jobert" is another douche bag. Anyway that is not surprising at all given that its Filipino captains and Chief mates are shitty people to start with and they are as bad people as "uwaks".

For me it doesn’t matter anymore and I'd be staying only in OSM-TCC for about two contracts before moving on. If OSM - TCC doesn’t give me what I want (which is getting a U.S. Visa) then it's no point staying here. The only point why I'm hanging out here in OSM - TCC in the first place anyway is just to get rid of my recent bad reputation of "ONE-CONTRACT ONLY" ., Certainly this isn't the place where I had to settle for career advancement or for long term stay.

As far as I'm concerned TCC, only offers a bit slightly higher salary compared to other companies , but everything else is shitty on my perception. Health card is basically non - existent (half-truth told by the recruiting which I found out that a crew has to have 3 finished contracts first before having one). their Ships have no internet for crews despite its already MLC regulations nowadays, and they mostly just operate in the far east. To mention as well this company is also a stingy one, and their allotments arrive only late date of the month, plus the so called Dollar account was basically half-truth as well, (OSM - TCC only forwards the salaries at the END OF CONTRACT only) . To add more difficulty on this is that there is an "uwak" presence here and tries (really hard) to impose draconic oppressive "Shell" policies in the work place. Having Filipino senior officers here as well does not help at all and add more complications than solutions. They also don't have the travel allowance perk compared to other companies which have one, (basic explanation - crew travels empty handed during ship joining).

The crew here are also a bunch of low life snitches and "company worshippers" (sipsip in tagalog)aside from that there is no true freedom for me to practice my arts and advancement in work ., as with the case were I was forbidden to use my personal headlight on my helmet. They are not open to new opinions, and that the only opinions that are welcomed are theirs (just like shell company) everything else is blasphemy according to them.

Here in OSM-TCC , they see that knowledge as a medal or precious stone. Something to be appreciated by its "rightful" owner alone. Knowledge is power and power is to be hoarded., An unfortunately attitude, indeed. Besides like I said I'm only here for two contracts., If I'm not permitted to share and practice what I have learned on work and to the public, there is little point in continuing my advancements and research here.