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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


For the moment my work involves painting some of the steam pipes with silicon black paint - a type of heat resistant tape. Took me a while to full paint those "heating pipes" given it has tons of nooks and crannies

It’s a good thing that this ship is almost practically new (barely 2 years old) practically new and maintenance is not much of a problem, and mostly I'm just left painting some area in the deck for two months now. Probably if I should compare my work on all my previous "Crude tankers" - working on this ship is probably the lightest of all maintenance work I have done.

I guess probably that work here on ship will mostly be that for the whole 8 month long stay here until my contract is finished somewhere in April.

Later on work , we had a pressure test on the cargo pipes of this ship. To my annoyance some of my co-worker are trying to con their way again to dodge the work they were paid for. This time they're trying to use me as a ruse for it. Making an excuse saying that It's about time I learn some of the work (… their own work) made during pressure test. I didn’t buy on what they were saying and knew from the start on their intentions, they wanted to escape on their work and dump all their task to me. ( in tagalog,  "magulang" sa trabaho)

I didn’t made a wrong guess when the work started. While I was busy turning one wheel to another on orders from the radio , I could just see them sitting their lazy fat asses doing nothing while I do all the work., and this wasn't the insulting part yet. The infuriating part was they have the guts to joke about on how slow my response was in radio, which isn't the case . It might be their impression , but in reality I was listening carefully first before I respond.  

I guess each company or ship has its own lazy pricks of crews, I would mind them being lazy but deceiving other people and letting them do their jobs is another story. 

In other matters…

There's a rumor a heard from fitter during lunch that this ship maybe bound for the dry docks by march ., Personally I don’t think this ship will go that early for the dry docks , after all this ship is just newly built - aside from that if this ship does indeed go to the dry dock shipyard for maintenance ,it will be probably be (and most likely) be beyond march and I'm already long gone , another reason why I think its impossible in march is that  TCC is quite of a stingy company from my perception, I don’t personally think that march will be the dry dock time for this ship and the company will maximize its profits first before they head out on their ship maintenance.

Last and foremost reason I could think of is that its possible that fitter is just joking around.

Later in the afternoon after finishing the daily maintenance , I tried to watch an anime as entertainment since I typically just stay just inside my cabin - I could have been hanging out in the smoking room watching regular TV and be more social , but how can I be social when every time I go to the smoking area to watch TV , people there just mock me , or if not ask questions about my personal life and interrupt my watching (which annoys me most) . I lost interest in going there and would just practically stay in my cabin and watch anime. Besides that , My personal space setup on my cabin is mostly for the purpose of being solitary and isolation. If it were not for the problems in prohibiting bring along shoes and coverall inside cabins, I would have been 100 percent isolated from them.

Lately watching anime has been my hobby (aside from updating this blog) , and   I recently finished "ladies X butler" title. My interest in anime is almost everything except the "shonen" type which is mostly for kids (such popular examples are "dragon ball z" , One Piece, Bleach, Naruto etc.). I go for romance, action, sci-fi and harem types or anime.  I watch anime because I had problems in reading novels and somehow every time I read it , I end up having a head ache or feeling sleepy plus I lack the "visual imagination" when it comes to novels, I really struggle to understood on what is written in the novel , So I much prefer seeing things rather than reading. I understand things there more.

If only anime's could adopt and animate the variety of stories written on western novels (like tom Clancy's , Sidney Shelton, Michael cricton, Stephen king  and others etc.) then , I could really say that I would be a diehard fanatic of anime.