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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


November 15,2018 Thursday
Enroute to Fujirah , UAE

Things have going rough lately, not by own undoing but by the temper tantrums of our bi polar Chief mate Jobert Semantar. He has a nasty habit of starting trouble early in the morning. His latest psychotic episode as of the moment was he lashed out in the CCR during tool box talk and his tantrum is not even related to work.

Worse was that I was the center of his bitching. That cunt wants that every time I pass by him or sees him around I should mandatory greet him - like some sort of lordship. Sorry to disappoint him , but I don’t greet wannabe "Nobles" like him. Problem with almost all Filipino Senior Ship Officers around (Chief Mate and Captain) is that they are too arrogantly cocky and have a feeling of being high and mighty like a king. They think they're too good to be even hanging out with typical Filipino folk.

Bastard Jobert even added on his insults in the CCR., "who are you ?" . As if like some lord ..

I kept silent but maintained my composure and sharp straight look , sending a body message that I'm furious.

The insult never stopped and added more , He said something that I should fix my "attitude" . I kept silent again but maintained a defiant look, I kept the impression that I maybe silent on the outside but not on the inside.

He keeps saying that I should work on my attitude,… Be as it may, but what makes him so sure that his manners aren't foul . From the way he is looking and acting at the moment , it makes a conclusion that his manners are offensive.

The CCR tool box was over …. Even if the subject that was discussed was not related work . Either way It was clear that having a Filipino and "Uwak" senior offices onboard are a pain in the ass