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Wednesday, December 26, 2018


November 19,2018 Monday
Drifting somewhere near Sri Langka Area

There has been sudden updates on where this ship is going, earlier it was thought that this ship might go directly to saudi arabia then after that to Fujirah UAE for bunkering (refueling) . Now the updated news says that it will go first to UAE , then saudi arabia for loading cargo then go directly go back to Perth, Australia.

For the moment this ship will be drifting back to somewhere near sri langka. The tropical weather at the moment there is horribly hot especially in the morning till noon time., then slightly cools down late in the afternoon. It was so hot that I had to take anti dehydration packs that I brought along for this trip together with anti-oxidant tablets , and to ease the discomfort I had to do my usual tactics in cooling myself by wetting my coveralls with water.  I was painting some areas on the deck and I could really felt the "hot" weather, especially when I climbed on the pipes to paint those "2nd coat" patches., Heck the pipes itself was hot because of the direct sunlight and if it were not for my knee pads which I wore for work ., I would have ended up with some skin burn marks on my knees.

On top of that aside from the weather related problems , Water problems have not yet been solved by the engine room and the laundry room is still only usable for two days in a week. ( can't really figure out why there is restrictions on using water when this ship is at open sea , I surmise that this has nothing to do with the technical stuff and that our "Uwak" chief engineer is just simply being stingy on us using water).

For the short time., I had been washing my clothes inside the bathroom area. There is no other option for now than wash it there. The tactics I had been using is wash it there and then later hang it in the "Drying room" near the laundry room of this ship, for it to air dry. Sadly even drying of clothes seems to take a while here as well because the dryer machine is also switch off like the rest of the washing machines here.

Damn those "Uwak's" , they always make life difficult here - if I didn’t have plenty of practice on survival skills back in "Eagle Boston" ship back then, I would have surely have serious set of problems right now. Good thing the survivalist tactics I learned there was really helpful here.

On work related news …..

Currently we already rigged up razor wires all over the side of the ship in preparation when this ship will be entering HRA (high risk area), apparently the western part of the Indian ocean all the way up to the gulf of Aden has some pirate presence and to avoid this ship being hijack (and us sailor being held hostage) , Every ship has have to put up some sort of deterrent devices to ward off would be pirates. Some ships even hire armed guards for security whenever this ship will be transiting in that area.

Luckily on this principal, the rigging for razor wires (barbed wire) has an extra pay,  from what I heard , its about 200 U.S. Dollars per crew member who participated. Good for me because I might be needing it to buy something for Christmas.

In other news

Past couple of days was very uncomfortable - as in really roasting temperature. Based on the room thermometer I bought along for the trip, temperatures rise as high as 38 degrees Celsius in the shade - but maybe based on what I had been experiencing in direct sunlight and totally exposed condition , I could bet its about roughly as high as 40's something degrees Celsius

I was still painting the "final coat" on some spot left over from the spray painted work done on the past couple of days in the manifold area and I could really feel the heat stress from all that exposure ., I was soaking wet with my perspiration and had to douse my coveralls with water all the time just to cool myself.

Occasionally from all hot temperature, there would be a rain just to relieve the problem of hot temperature but only for a few hours and during the night time only, Once Morning arrives another cycle of hot weather arrives. Probably I could guess that this is the weather in the sri langka area, and until this ship gets to finish its drifting there , I will still continue to experience this kind of Ultra hot summer temperature in this area.

From what I heard this ship will continue to drift , until November 22nd. And weather will not improve unless this ship gets moving. 

In other news …

As of the moment , the Chinese deck cadet (seaman trainee) we have onboard  is currently isolated on his cabin due to being sick. Some say that he might have chicken pox, based on blisters appearing on his face - of course I haven't seen it (and haven't seen our deck cadet in a couple of days now) and can never know what is the exact cause ,and I'm no doctor to tell. For now he is quarantined in his cabin until he gets well.

Maybe some bad case of allergic dermatitis from all that exposure to paints and stuff.