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Saturday, May 7, 2016


    If I had known sooner that I'd be In this predicament , I wouldn't have applied at all in CF Sharp in the first place, knowing that this company sucks. Now not only am I stuck and cannot pull out my papers and look for a job on another company , now as of the moment they are putting  me on hold with no guarantees of employment at all, they told me to wait for the whole month of May this time. Now where's the sense of justice on that eh ??!
    Waiting for a whole month ? What the fuck !!! I'm not in the mood to wait for that long, given that they haven't even given me any assurance of employment in the first place - I haven't signed any contracts with them , nor even given me the details of the new bank for the payroll, so basically the only thing I have or their giving me is they're word (which is highly doubtful given on what they put me thru).  It excruciating for me in this situation to be "boxed" and powerless on what ugly offers they throw at me and had me waiting for almost two months now. It only shows here that in the maritime community in the Philippines that even established companies have their way of scheming and conning people, and what's more is that its more organized and legal (and lethal althoughter).
    On this situation , I have made a few errors on my tactics.
    1. Shouldn't have left Career Ship Management altogether knowing that this company has stability when it comes to employment and instead have opted to "Plan C" . Which meant to wait things out until the company have sorted itself out, Instead of looking for a job on a different Shipping Company. I should have chosen to look for work on a land based job , specifically in the call center, after all I haven't been in that environment in a while and wouldn't hurt if I paid a little visit on the BPO.
    2. Second Work Tactic error I had made is that I shouldn't have left and surrendered my papers in CF Sharp that easily, Unknowingly that they have some sort of scheme. Obviously that I was not aware and took it all in good fate, and this is how I ended up with , stuck and trapped on a job offer that truly sucks
    3. Should have think twice when they said something about a perk called "cash advance". As much as possible I should have avoided this perk .
    4. Signing up a contract and even doing a medical PEME doesn't guarantee employment, It may lead a person to believe that it will be the case but remember that on the latter part,  the contract can still be changed and swapped to a much more lesser job offer. 
    On the bright side, It Showed a few good results on this situation.
    1. A "sponsor" (backer) is no longer needed now when I look for a job as a sailor, in the old days during my deck cadet years or even post deck cadet, a backer is mandatory on my employment tactics. (Two factors that affected this was I already had a working experience and that my U.S. Visa is still functional till April 2018)
    2. Having to change companies means me having truly free of "influences" and making me do things I really want. Unfortunately it has a downside , Those "influences" are responsible for protecting me on my previous work, and without it basically , I'm vulnerable to any schemes and plot a shipping company has against me.
    My younger sister tells me to play it cool and wait for a month before I do any plans or at least given them a month as what they say. After all one month is reasonable enough. Beyond that she says , I'm free to take any action that I see fit.