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Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Finally after a few months of changing and finding a decent barber, somebody got the hairstyle I really wanted, well probably most barbers around the neighborhood don’t have any idea on what shit I'm talking about when it comes to hairstyle and resulted to me being stuck for several months in a retard look. Good thing for me I finally found one who can fix me up and make me look hot again.
Aside from getting an appropriate hairdo, I might be also changing my style of writing from now on and will be adding humour and sarcasm (plus language related issues) on my blog , just like what I did during my call center years - probably I figured that life in the maritime community is all too serious - and that I should learn to smile and insult a little. besides If I took it more seriously id have more wrinkles in face than in my testicles before I reach 40. Probably writing is an acquired talent I got during my early years in college, plus combined with my proficiency in English language and there I go Viola !! A foul mouthed anti-hero blogger is born.    
Anyway there isn't much news lately on what's going on around CF Sharp , the only thing I knew about those bitches is that they're going to call me at some time around third week of May for any word. Hopefully for my sake they should keep it , otherwise their 75 year history is nothing more than just testicle fondling on their photocopy advertisements meant for idiotic sailors, and I had been really stupid enough to fall for it. Now that national elections is over (which is a holiday), I can pay them a little visit and see on what they're cooking up.
I'm taking in my little sisters advice, just for the sake of keep my thoughts in peace and not to freak out a lot from imagining that CF Sharp is ripping me off.
The following day , I did visit them - actually I was just submitting the remaining documents that I had finished up so that in case they would call me I could easily drag my ass from home, all the way to their office. Once that I had passed my papers to the recruitment office , it took them only a couple of hours for them  to shake me up on my phone. Well the phone message said to me was both good and bad, Good that they had finally decided to call me and I had been waiting for nearly two months - bad on the part that I have to take another PEME yet again (premedical employment exam) which meant that I had to be poked , zapped and walk butt naked again on a medical clinic. I'm haven't heard clearly on the phone on what's the name of the clinic, and by luck I should think that I won't encounter the shitty medical clinics that were mentioned on various Face book websites like for example super cash errr I meant super care. 
Now the part that my brain is figuring out is why the fuck , is north star not recognizing my previous PEME in CPO ??? , I had already went to the crappy trouble of dragging my ass and passing it with the skin of my teeth just to get there and now I'm going to another trouble yet again on the medical , just like a new employee - totally troublesome and such a total dick policy for that principal. Seriously if my balls wasn’t just caught in the binding agreement on returning the money I borrowed from CPO , I would have been ignoring this shitty company by now and giving them a big ugly fuck you sign.
I thank my lucky stars that the effects wasn’t permanent and it's only a one contract setback , maximum. Once I've finished with that crappy contract (and company) , I'm done and free again.
Lately during the end of the day , while just browsing on my local twitter and face book account using my android phone. My face book account suddenly crashed or so I thought , earlier I thought it the snail pace internet Wi-Fi connection of the mall was the cause since it’s a public Wi-Fi . Then later it hit my skull that somebody might have the balls that backstabbed me and had my account suspended - since I'm trying to repeatedly access my FB account with all of it ending that Facebook demands a sort of security details for identification.
For a couple of hours , I wondered and think on who the fuck could have done it ? This is the first time that it has happened on my account ever ! And its highly likely that someone out there wants me to be put out of business in Facebook.
Anyway love it to disappoint them that it takes more than that to bring me down in Facebook and I'm able to clean up the shit that was thrown in my direction.