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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Earlier it was thought that actual departure for the airport will be sometime next week - but Cf Sharp company informed that it will be by Monday , two days earlier. I guess i have to go to all the way on this one because of unfortunately events, and being paid 30 percent less from my previous employer for the whole 10 months is no smiling factor for me. Anyway I had already said it a thousand times by now that the only reason why i joined Cf Sharp was the fact CPO principal made me join on the promise that my pay rate would be relatively unchanged from NSB , little that did I knew that it was all a ruse to pin me down and strap me on their ugliest paying principal yet.
Anyway it's all past  now and that I'm more concerned now in finishing my 9 month long (plus and minus one month)lame contract. - after this , I'd get the fuck out of here as far away as possible. Migration to another company won't be a problem after I get out of here, since my US Visa is still valid up until 2018 - as long as that remains intact , I'd be fine as daisy
For now , I had to report back to CF Sharp and get the details . I made a mistake earlier about giving my real mailing address on my medi card and turns out that there's a possibility that the new company I'm hanging out will get discovered because of this. So I had to go back all the way to the third floor for it to change my mailing address. To my dismay,  "MAYA" was very unhelpful and annoying on the simple objective of changing the mailing address for my medical card so it won't land on my real one. What a total idiotic retard !, its either she's making lame excuses to skip work or that idiot is too lazy for a simple task. Now I had to go to "Roxanne" of NCL to change the mailing address for the card. Pathetic ! "i-don’t - have - authorization - my - ASS !!!
There's also another news about the oiler who recently backed out before the despatch a couple of days ago. Rumours of course say that he backed out because of diabetes but actually in reality he backed out because he felt it was unfair on his terms especially in the salary given here. Actually I myself would have done the same months ago, if it weren't for that shitty deception on the cash advance part. Just to set the record straight for the Oiler who backed out, he quitted because he felt he was being paid less , not because of his newly discovered sickness
Anyway Its typical that sometimes facts get twisted by rumours.
Going back earlier…
The earlier report on Friday turned out to be nothing more than just a waste of time, at first i thought it was already a despatch date, I was anxious on the fact that they will now give back my papers along with the plane tickets for the trip and it will save me a lot of trouble plus extra time to prepare for the whole two days - worry free. Disappointingly turns out that it was nothing more than just a pointless briefing and gum flapping, nothing solid - only just telling us about northstar is making a gamble in hiring Filipino and that we should "put our best foot" forward for the good of the company , blah blah. Yeah whatever ! Good for them in the sense that more job opening means more of salary cuts profits from their sailors, but if you ask on the perspective of a sailor - the words of encouragement is less or no appeal at all, because of the low salary cap and to add more of the disappointment is the conditions that were told to us. Old obsolete ship going back 1996, the overtime pay is fixed, the ship GRT is large but the pay is low, contracts are very long which last to 9 months. Etc. all the details that would make a sailor frown, plus it was misleading on what the details the recruitment manager told us two months ago. Fuck even the allotment details is sketchy and unspecific, they're not exactly giving straight answers on what specific date of the month will it be released for our relatives here. Those idiots simply told us to make a rough estimate from the last week of the month to all the way to the first week of the month, which Doesn’t exactly help at all on making us guess on which of the 14 days was it exactly released. Thanks a lot for them for being so unhelpful. Dicks !!!
Aside from the disgusting details , the despatch date told to us was the same date on the flight, meaning its on Monday both. So to picture it was that the CF Management is so concerned fondling the balls of the principal that they couldn’t care less to the comfort of sailors. So basically from what i heard they wanted us to haul off our ass all the way from our point of address then go to intramurous wait for a couple of there and get our papers , then go again to the airport and wait again for the boarding time. Which from what i understood is that CF Sharp wanted us to wait for the plane on the airport for roughly ten hours. Talk about shitty aggressiveness !!!
Anyway we were dismissed on the briefing at around 5pm with nothing significant achieved. So i have to thank CF Sharp for basically wasting my time for nothing, they certainly know how to tick their sailors off. When i was in Career Ship Management, they were always in a hurry but their despatch was brief and straight to the point. Certainly not a time waster.